
1 Multi term timetables
... You can specify one term, or you can say it can be in any term or on all terms...

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
...multi-core) ... Generator in aSc Timetables is capable to utilize this additional computing power...

1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
...Timetables online you can specify the exact date for change of the week, term or just change the timetable in one day to another day...

1 Printing multiple timetables on one page
... Here you can specify how many timetables shall be packed onto one sheet of paper...

1 Related timetables
... A new lightgrey panel will display above the timetables:: This panel shows timetables related to the card you are currently holding...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
... What you need to do is to show the days combobox see above and then pick Days merged: Combine this with the “show all terms separately” in the combobox for terms and you will get a view with one column for each Term and with this column all days are merged, so you have only the periods as subcolu...

1 Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms
...term 1 and then in term4) you can input this cardrelationship: So you define that lesson as 2 times in "Any term" and add the above constraint...

1 Demo files
... or you are seeking for some inspiration how timetables can look like, feel free to check our demo files and work with them...


1 Education block - How to allow gaps in class timetables
... how ASC Timetables places lessons into automatic "Educational block"...

(discontinuous educational block)

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
...timetables you have stored on your edupage in PC application...

1 How to give user rights to another teacher to administer Timetables Online?
... you can give user rights to a fellow teacher to administer timetables online in EduPage...

1 Comparing timetables
..." - this function will offer you to choose another timetable file and then it will compare it with your current timetables...

1 What’s new in version 2009
...The timetable can handle all the tasks needed to build the timetables based on students ... So you can define a lesson that has to be in Term1 and Term 2, while another lesson has to be in Term1 or Term 2 or Term3...

1 Printing weekly timetables
...terms) timetable on one sheet, with the row divided into weeks (terms)...

1 Print legends below timetables
Below each timetable you can print legend that shows list of subjects, teachers or classrooms so that your students will understand the abbreviation in the timetable...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
...Timetables Online - Features Main purpose Timetables online is web-based extension of the timetabling application...

1 Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
In many schools the teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable. Because of these "gap=free periods", they have to stay in the school with no lesson and they can't leave because they have other lessons later...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
You can print the timetable for each student, go to print preview and select report "TimeTable for each Student": Now the software will print only those seminars(course) that this students has picked...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... you can write us directly from ASC Timetables software - simply click on blue icon with a question mark New window will appear...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
...timetables for the teachers or classrooms...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
... Improvements in students courses window You can switch between weeks and terms to see details in student's seminars lessons ... Weekend You can select the days of the weekend your school (or country) use Connect in timetable online In ASC Timetables online you can work with your colleagues on the same timetable...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
... This was sufficient for timetables until 5 days...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
...In aSc TimeTables 2023 we have had a hard look on the longer and more complicated timetables ... New card relationships #74 - Max days per All weeks Now you can limit the max days even in a multi week timetables...

1 How can I get to Timetables online administration
...Timetables administration...

1 How to change merged lessons in Timetables Online
At first select the merged lessons in the list. Then you can: A - change the entire merged lesson (single AND double) (e.g change the teacher for both lessons, or add new lesson with different length) - you can do so in the standard way - by clicking on "Edit lesson" button...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
...Advisor now checks for multiple new issues in your timetable ... Advisor in TimeTables online Advisor is now available also in the online version, both version have the same functionality...

1 How to print timetables with school's logo
If you wish to print also school's logo on every printed timetable, you can add it in print preview - Design - Print logo - Browse and select the path to the image file with your school's logo...

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... free period) in a class timetables by default ... Education block is term used to describe time range when some class has to have education...

1 How to merge already created lessons in TimeTables Online
In case that you have imported lessons from other systems, or you have changed already created lessons in a way that it would be possible to merge them into one record (same teacher+subject+class/group+classrooms+length), it is not necessary to do it separately for each such lesson...

1 How can I export timetables to Excel or HTML
... Then click on "Administration" and Window with timetables will appear...

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
...Timetables online web page is easy...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
If you don't see some classrooms on the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1. You have not used classrooms in your timetable at all. Please, see this topic: how to create and assign classrooms to the lessons and generate your timetable again. 2...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
... Only teachers with passwords can see the teacher's timetables and students and their parents can see student's timetables...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
Go to print preview and in the marked combobox, select your report. Notes: 1. You can modify what shall be printed in each card 2. You can change the height of rows by dragging the lines 3...

1 How many timetables can be published during a school year?
...timetables published during one school year, however for one day only one timetable can be official...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
... attendance and substitution You can publish your timetable directly from PC version of ASC Timetables - see this article: OR if your timetable is saved/created online already, you can publish it directly from the timetables online administration...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
... Or you can remove the design from your timetable, so that all timetables are printed in standard layout...

1 How to add the same lesson with multiple lengths in Timetables online
You can add a lessons with different lengths (single, double,...) directly in lessons dialog. Different length can be set with "ADD" button and the new row will be created. Selected teacher, subject, class /group, joined classes/ and classrooms remains the same...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... this will be used if you have more timetables for one school year: Then the software exports the timetable and opens your webpage...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... Notes: - this is how you can upload the timetable: User rights - by default only logged teachers can view the timetables for teachers...

1 How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
Personal data (full names of teachers and students) can be displayed in published timetable in this way: If you leave checkboxes unchecked, then the shorts will be used instead of full names...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
... Even if you create multiple branches or try out different things ... In timetables online, the basic data are linked to your school management system...

1 How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
You can delegate one or more your colleagues to work on your school's timetable. 1. Login as the admin and run the Wizard. 2. Click on Setup administrators. (see picture below) 3. Select any of the teachers that you have already created in EduPage or create a new account...

1 Merging lessons in the lists in Timetables online
On picture below you can see the list of lessons for the class. You can observe: 1. GREEN - two single and one double lessons from Biology. They are with the same teacher and class but different in classrooms settings. Therefore they are displayed as two separate rows. 2...

1 How to correctly set number of lesson per week
... 5b: Term 1 (Term 2, ...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
... In this way pictures will be printed only on timetables for smaller children and for older grades will be visible just texts...

1 Print-out designs
...Timetables allows to completely customize your printouts...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
... Select "Save to TimeTables Online"...

1 Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
tu treba doplnit, ze v online rozvrhoch je toto nastavenie viditelne iba ked zvolis bell 1 For each period or break you can specify, that it shall be printed in only in a group of classes...

1 Synchronization with database
...Timetables can synchronize (import or export) its data with database of some partner school administration software (or other timetable files)...

1 How can I edit the timetable saved online
...Timetables software) in Timetables online administration...

1 Starting the software
... When you run aSc TimeTables in demo version mode you will see this screen: We suggest you check the Tutorial first as it shows you the basics of the software and you can quickly get info on what the software can do and where to find it...

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
...Timetables, you may sometimes find that first and last names are mismatched...

1 Export to XML
... Please see this topic for simpler way of exporting data from aSc Timetables: See also: aSc Timetables can export data into "aSc Timetables XML" file...

1 Cloud generator
... The cloud generator has generated many timetables and can use the gathered expertise also in generating your timetable...

1 Download & Installation of PC version
...TimeTables from our web page: 1...

1 ID numbers in import/export
...When exporting from aSc Timetables to XML file, you may get exported id numbers looking like *1, *2, *3...

1 How to change the language in the program


1 What's new in version 2008
...TimeTables users thank you for your support and your interest in our software...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... By default there is one page per student, you can add term in there: Now, whenever you will select in the main combobox that you want to print timetable for each student, this new modified layout will be used...

1 How can I monitor the progress of the cloud generator
... Simply login to your EduPage and go to Timetables and select "cloud generator"...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
... The TimeTables online version doesn't have limits...

1 Class can have max 2 gaps per day
... At first allow gaps in classes timetables with "discontinuous educational block"...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...Timetables you can merge two (or more) timetables into one file with the Import function ... - same number and names of weeks and terms in all files - every lesson (for every class or teacher) is created in ONLY ONE TIMETABLE from all - this is very important...

1 What's new in version 2010
... Note: the timetables online also allows you to save documents to online storage hosted by aSc: A new advanced card-relationship options New "Apply to" options have been added "Apply to classrooms" a and "Apply to grades"...

1 Transfers between buildings
... In Timetables ONLINE: 3...

1 I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
...timetables for ALL printouts...

1 What’s new in version 2020
...TimeTables users Here is a list of new features in version 2020 1 ... Multicore computers...

1 Lesson grid overview
... You can also add or modify the lessons from here: In Timetables Online you can display Lesson grid view in similar way...


1 Class lessons
... In this dialog you can: For Timetables ONLINE users: ...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
... Open aSc TimeTables and create a blank document...

1 What's new in version 2007
...TimeTables users First of all we would like to thank you for your ongoing support...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- in some timetables this constraint might not work...

1 Export to Smartschool
...Timetables Online to Smartschool...


1 What are classes (grade levels).
...Timetables by "the class" we understand a group of students, with mostly the same timetable during a school year ...

1 Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
...With Timetables Online you can add events from your school's daily plan to your calendar application...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
...Timetables online and press the "Generate in cloud" button...

(cloud generator)

1 What’s new in version 2021
... Both online and PC based versions We are now offering both timetables online and pc based version of aSc TimeTables ... New filters in advanced card relationship The advanced card relationships now have additional filters that can be applied to terms and weeks...

(new version)

1 Locked cards
... you can also lock lessons in entire row with class'es/teacher's/classroom's timetables - via right click in first cell with the row header (you can select also multiple rows): ...

1 Import from XML
... Please see this topic for simpler way of importing data into aSc Timetables: aSc Timetables can import data from "aSc Timetables XML" file...

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
... Please note that there are several sheets: Notes: - you can import these exports back to aSc TimeTables...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
... Summary timetables for teachers, many more options for extra columns/rows will be displayed...

1 What’s new in version 2018
...TimeTables 2018 aSc TimeTables online Yes, that’s correct - it is now possible to create the timetable from your browser...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The room supervision can now be defined separately for each week or term When you define the room supervision while looking at certain week, the software will add room supervision only in that week ... If you define it in “merged weeks” view, the supervision will be defined in all weeks: Course groups for students based timetables New feature “course groups” lets you group several courses into one entity...

1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
... Then you can quickly check when classes or teachers buildings change in their timetables...

1 What’s new in version 2022
...timetables online is now available ... If a constraint has multiple subconstraints...

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
...Timetables online makes this possible in a very easy way...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
...Timetables online administration ... you can also create timetable for more weeks or terms...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
... make sure that your timetable week configuration is OK (see ) You can turn this function ON in Timetables online administration in menu Settings - Show timetable for current week: After you turn this on, as administrator you can use direct button "Show timeatable for current week" in...

1 What's new in version 2012
... We are also glad that many schools are already actively using the TimeTables online feature we have added last year ... Lesson with multiple teachers/classrooms If you have lessons with more teachers ... You can change the days, weeks, terms here easily...

1 How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?
...) you can specify: the name and the abbreviation of the break - this will be printed in timetables headers...

1 0.5 lessons
... aSc Timetables supports only period lengths 1,2,3...

1 How to register the software?
TimeTables ONLINE: You do not need to register the online version...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
... So for example if you change design named 'Our super cool design', then all classes/teachers(also in other timetables) that are using 'Our super cool design' will be displayed with the changes you've made...

1 I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
...TimeTables Online, please see this: In PC version, you can add into teachers' lessons that he is teaching e...

1 Customizing printouts
...Timetables allows you to fully customize your printouts...

1 How can I define weeks?
...timetables on odd and even weeks (sometimes called week "A" and week "B"), you can simply define that you have two or more weeks in this way: Then for each lesson, you can specify in which week it can be...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... If you have a timetable where this section will be on every day(in the given term), then instead of 5, you have to input E for everyday ... Once you start creating sections for courses and maybe trying generate partial timetables, you can observe three colors of students requested subjects...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
...TimeTables software installed on your computer, you can immediately start with creating your new timetable ... select the days for a weekend and if you wish you can also create timetable for more weeks or terms...

(first step, new timetable)

1 Verification of timetable
...TimeTables program allows you to verify the created timetable...

1 What's new in version 2013
... There is now hardly a country in the world without aSc TimeTables users ... Also for the multiweek timetables it is now possible to specify that subject has to be on consecutive 4 weeks ... the generator can swith the student to different section between terms...

1 Adding a lesson in lesson grid
... Simply select the lesson and type first letter of this teacher or click into the combobox: Timetables online In timetbales online it works in similar way...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
... Check what shall be printed: The same aproach can be used to specify texts also in individual timetables...

(font size, print,)

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
... this progress bar shows how many timetables per second the computer can check ... ) You can generate more timetables on one PC, you just have to run multiple instances of the software at one time...

1 What's new in version 2014
... You can use it in case your timetable passes the test, that means the software is able to generate timetables for each individual class, teacher or room but it is not possible to generate the whole timetable...

1 Two week timetable
... you have two options how to input this into the program: Option 1 - weekly timetables For each lesson you can specify exactly in which week it should take a place...

1 How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
You can export the generated supervisions into the XML file. This feature is available only in the offline version for Windows. Use the menu "File - Export - Export Room supervisions"...

1 How can I increase the speed of cloud generation?
...TimeTables - we provide with one computer in our datacenter, that you can use for your generation ... Another benefit is that you can run multiple cloud generators at the same time...

1 How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
... open "timetables online/administration" 4...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... Open timetables and create a new documnent ... - if you want to import Terms/Weeks/Days...

1 How can I print breaks between lessons?
... - by selecting specific Bell you can print the break only in classes timetables, which are assigned to selected Bell...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... Open timetables and open your timetable file or create a new one...

1 How to input buildings
... In timetables online: Then...

1 Creating a new or opening existing timetable
... All the demo files are timetables from real schools...

1 How to generate timetable with students
...Generate whole timetable this will generate both the positions of course, means on which period in which term each section will be placed...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... Mobile application The teachers/students and parents are automatically notified when their timetables or substitution is changed...

1 Hotkeys
...Multiple week timetables: Number 0 - show summary of all weeks Numbers 1-8 - show week 1-8 Ctrl-0 show all weeks expanded Mouse Shortcuts: CTRL+LEFTCLICK - if the class is divided into groups, CtrlClick will pick all groups on this position...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
... For some complex timetables it might be needed to use these complexities...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
... On some timetables this may help to quickly identify some errors in the input or some bottlenecks that simply cannot be scheduled and had to be fixed before generating the whole timetable...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... That is at this complexity have you been able to generate drafts or previous timetables at this level of complexity...

1 Generate room supervision
... These criteria are linked with actual teachers' timetables, so we recommend to generate duties only after your timetable is complete...

1 How to open previously saved versions of my timetable online
... You can see the count of saved versions (by users) in the list of your timetables next to its name...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
... Then the software will respect only those timetables where all three lessons are before lunch or where 2 lessons are before and only one is after...

1 Constraints relaxation
... If you turn the constraints relaxation to strict, then no constraints can be relaxed and only those timetables that are fully complient with your requirements are accepted...

1 How can I assign classrooms to more lessons at once
...multiple (or all) lessons at once by using the menu Specification - Change ... This feature looks slightly different in ASC Timetables online...

1 Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
... In the administration of the timetables select and open your actual timetable (or the one you wish to copy) 2...

(new year, new timetable)

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
...timetables is very similar to the regular cards but there are few differences: The first difference is in the way of displaying the cards...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
... You can add these into your aSc TimeTables Online database, simply press Add button besides each teacher...

1 Working with timetable - general information
...TimeTables screen consists of several parts: 1 - Menu - contains commands for program control...

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
...Timetables stores its data in ... You can save multiple versions of your timetable with different filenames...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... Then the specific algorithm for individual students timetables checks collisions between lessons according to assignment of students to seminar lessons...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
... Notes: - this extended test can take a very long time on some timetables...

1 How to input seminar lessons
... Seminar lesson joined from multiple classes are inputted in the same way as an ordinary joined classes (with "Joint classes" button) ... Please, see this to fully understand what "class" means for ASC Timetables - Seminar groups Special situation is when you have two seminar lessons from same subject in one class...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... New generator options for student based timetables We have also added new card relationships that will help further with grouping sections...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
... aSc Timetables offers you a set of functions to handle these situations...

1 Divisions
...multiple divisions ... Otherwise you will have to allow gaps in classes timetables (via "discontinuous educational block")...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... By this expression ASC Timetables understands: "an event, when group of students have an education with the teacher, in the specific classroom, about particular subject"...

1 What’s new in version 2019
...TimeTables 2019 1 ... You can define short or multiday events...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to set the date of classification?
...term in EduPage as follows: Select Grades in left menu, then click Grade book settings / Terms...

1 How to input a half-term grade
...term, your students can be awarded a half-term informative grade...

1 Administrator: How to restrict editing grades for a term

1 Administrator: How to specify which grades are visible to students and parents?
...Terms in the Grade book settings...

1 How to set the date for calculating the attendance of students in a term
... Set the initial date of attendance calculating in the next term...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
Schools register students' attendance up to the end of school year...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
... Then you can set exact timetable of which day/week/term should be used for your selected day...

1 How to create assignment in Grade book for the whole school year
When creating an assignment in Grade book, click "Show advanced settings": Select "whole year" in the "Term" column if the assignment is valid for the whole school year...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
... By default, lessons from individual timetables do not appear in the substitution...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
...This feature is to be used in simple regular timetables in interest groups or after school activities...

1 Administrator: How to setup terms of the Grade book: halves, thirds, quarters?
... In the second step specify exact dates when each term starts and ends...

1 How to create EduPage from aScTimetables?
...TimeTables application you just need to press the “TimeTables – Online/EduPage” button...

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Software will show you timetables of selected teachers so that you can see where they all have free time and schedule the meeting there...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda Primary School
... Primary schools in Uganda do three examinations per term in general, namely Opening Exam (or Beginning of Term Exam), Mid-Term Exam and End of Term Exam...

1 Serving of the meal - when the school cooks
..., since the second term of the school year breakfast is also served apart from lunch...

1 How to print the class register for interest groups/afterschool clubs
... Select the individual interest group and click "Print": select the term "school year": next select the report: Class register - afterschool club...

1 Administrator - Red courses with bell sign
... Another reason is, the lessons are divided and the created lesson and the title of the group in timetables have not been linked - in the picture this is Mr...

1 How to print a student's report: Kenya
... You are to name the exams as follows: Opening Exam Mid-Term Exam End of Term Exam Note: If you're using the same setting in all classes across your school...

1 Student's Progress
... You can choose a class, a subject, and multiple school years and see a particular student within these parameters, i ... We see that he deteriorated in the last three terms nad is on the sixth position when it comes to the comparison of the last term...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... It could be a homework, oral exam, blind map, mid-term exam...

1 Preparing teaching plans for the coming school year
... Attention: Courses attended by a whole class will be linked to the courses in timetables after switching to the following school year...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... In courses, where the teacher teaches the whole class, the link with timetables is created automatically...

1 Copy duties
After publication of your new timetable, you can simply copy all duties and time-offs, which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable. You can do so in "Settings" - "Timetables" ...

1 How to setup rights on website sections?
... Teachers can have either partial rights to create teacher pages, edit subject page, publish schedule and substitution from the aSc Timetables on the EduPag school page, adding News, adding new photos to the school gallery, etc...

1 Final report - How to set subjects in the final report
... The order of the subjects can be imported from the timetables separately...

1 Select the type of webpage
... There are 3 options: You can use EduPage for publishing timetables and substitutions only...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... In classes S1 - S4, you most probably assess your learners two ways: by Activity of Integration (AOI) which amounts to 20% and by an End of Term Exam which amounts to 80%...

1 Where do I find my timetable?
... In this view it is possible to look up regular timetables of other classes...

1 How to save time when assigning subjects to classes?
...timetables or from grades, then you just need to set the order in which the subjects will be printed...

(report, reports, certificate, certificates, subjects, order)

1 How to print a student's report: Tanzania
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... In the bottom of the screen you can see all related timetables and your new lesson highlited...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
...A via substitutions: "Absent - add absent" and select the absent class (add the absent class directly for the whole time span of the event: long-term absence) Now create lessons for the grouped classes 6...

1 How to input a grade to certificate/report
There are more ways to input grades to a certificate/report. The school administrator has to set the rights for you to input grades ot certificates in your courses...

1 Case 3 - Registration for interest groups
... Input the title of the action, in this case the second term courses, the from/to time open for registration and a note...

1 Printing fees and payments
...) - 'Time period' - select either the whole school year, one term or your own time period in the span of one school year - 'Users' - teachers, individual students or whole classes - 'Payment plans' - select one, several or all payment plans together - option for editing the header and footer In t...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...) are educated online with a slightly different timetable, and then they swap, two week timetable can be set in the Timetables: In week A set the timetable for classes 5...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... If you want to pick one of several options based on availability, then use button more: They system will show you timetables of all selected rooms: Now you can see when you have time and the room is free...

1 Grade book - overview
... Obviously, a mid-term exam has higher weight than a homework...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
... You can add the note and see related timetables in the lower screen...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... Set the absences counting for the term: New types of absences can be created too: 6...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
... The teachers prepare their course plans and preparations even before the beginning of term...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda A-Levels
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... You will even see actual timetables of class, selected substituting teacher, new classroom in lower part of this new window...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Once you had created your final timetable in aSc Timetables, you can publish it and use it to manage these daily substitutions...

1 Hardware for the canteen
... hardware such as a payment terminal, chip tag, and also a screen for the terminal is useful in the canteen ... it must be recorded in the school information system which individual has which chip number (one person may use multiple cards/chip tags)...

(hardware, canteen)

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... It occurs based on the credit balance of each boarder- therefore, it is good to understand this term...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Note 1: If the system warns you about unlinked data, we recommend you link the data between the timetables and EduPage: Note 2: Before publishing the timetable you can send the proposed timetable to the teachers for comments: 4...


1 How to input a half-term grade
...term, your students can be awarded a half-term informative grade...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
... Creating courses - two different situations: a) timetables have already been published b) timetables have not been published yet a) If the timetables for the new school year have been published, you can see "courses with bell sign" - courses you should teach according to the timetable...

1 I cannot see my divided lesson in the class register
... you must link this lesson with the name of this lesson in timetables...

1 Creating degree courses
... If the degree course had been created before the timetables has been published check the students in the course settings...


1 Where do I find my timetable?
... In this view it is possible to look up regular timetables of other classes...

1 Parent - how to input electronic absence note
... If you want to enter an absence note for longer than one day, select "Long term"...

Timetables online - Administration - TimeTables

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
For sudden and temporary changes in your timetable (e.g. covering for missing teachers) - you can use Substitution online module. Please, see this help topic: Substitution online In case that there were changes in your timetable during a school year, which refer to specific date (e.g...

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
Select the timetable and click on "Properties"...

1 Additional data synchronisation
Every time you upload a new timetable that is official for some time of the school year, the software offers you to import the data from the timetable to EduPage where you can link the timetable objects with the objects from EduPage...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
... The problem can be resolved in the aScTimetables program...

1 Digital screen
With digital screen you can create electronic noticeboard for your school, which you can display on a monitor in school's hall. You can show today's timetable, substitution and other information on the screen...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
If your school uses other than basic 5 days cycle in timetable - let's say 7 days - then after publishing such timetable, the edupage automatically assign last two days as "Saturday and Sunday"...

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
Every time you publish the new timetable with more weeks, the system automatically takes the first week as the beginning of the cycle. If it is necessary, you can specify other week as the "first" one...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
If you have accidentally overwritten your original timetable published on Edupage with the new data just follow these steps: 1. Open the last saved timetable (the newest version) and save it as a new timetable file - so with the new name. Please, see this: 2...