1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
...) you can do so when creating a new payment plan or editing the existing one...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 Creating a new payment plan
...payment plan Payment plan is the tool how to announce new fees to the students and parents...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
... Specific symbol can be added while creating a new payment plan (button + Add payment plan) or can be added to existing payment plan (icon of gear - Configure): Specific symbol is automatically inserted in each payment made via EduPage and is visible on website also for parents after logging i...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 How to enter the different fee for each user in one payment plan
...creating a new payment plan/editing the existing one...

(payment plan, different fee, import of fees, Excel)

More results in categories

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
...) you can do so when creating a new payment plan or editing the existing one...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 Creating a new payment plan
...payment plan Payment plan is the tool how to announce new fees to the students and parents...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
... Specific symbol can be added while creating a new payment plan (button + Add payment plan) or can be added to existing payment plan (icon of gear - Configure): Specific symbol is automatically inserted in each payment made via EduPage and is visible on website also for parents after logging i...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 How to enter the different fee for each user in one payment plan
...creating a new payment plan/editing the existing one...

(payment plan, different fee, import of fees, Excel)

1 Teacher - creating a payment plan via the Registration module - even for students from other courses
...payment plan with payments directed to a school account ... The teacher creates a new action in the "Registration" module ... Creating an action or course in the "Registration" module:...

(payment plan, registration, manage actions, modifications)

1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
...payment plans ... They will be displayed as initial credit in the new school year payments ... Notice: As the import of payment plan is like creating...

1 Creating a payment plan for registration action
... via "Registration" can be assigned a payment plan by the administrator / teacher, who created the registration action ... There are 3 options for the administrator to create the payment plan: a) creating separate payment plan for each target - Ski training - downhill skiing...

1 Mass reassignment of already assigned payments from one payment plan to another
...payment plan to another we can use the button Tools ... Tick the payment plan in Current value and choose the desired payment plan in New value and save the changes...

(payment, assignment, payment plan, change of payment plan)

1 Modifications of payment plans
...payment plan for students, who pay a different amount (e ... To create a modification of a payment plan, you can do it directly while adding of new payment plan () or while editing of existing payment plan:...

(how to add a modification, assign a modification)

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
...payment plan to a student means that the student is required to pay fees listed in the payment plan...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
...payment plan means that the student doesn´t need to pay the fee at all and it is possible to do so only if there is no payment assigned to this fee...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 Automatic sending of notifications - related to changes in payments plans and visibility of payment plans
...payment plan is created Users receive the notification ... If you plan to create new...

(notifications, stop sending, restart sending, payment plans, visibility of payment plan, )

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...payment plan ... new fees (b...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
...creating a new material (test ... set the right topic in the plan and press the red + button...

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
...payment plan and its modification (siblings discount) ... Account: select from the list, if you have saved a list of accounts earlier or add a new account...

1 Quick start with payment module
...Payment module can be made in 2 steps: 1 ... To create a new payment plan just click on the button +Add payment plan and follow the steps...

(bank account, payment plan, to create a payment plan, school fee, cantine fee, excursion)

1 Setting up automatic assignment of payments to users and payment plans
...to particular payment plans ... new situation...

(variable symbol, specific symbol, information for recipient, account number, fixed assignment, flexible assignment)

1 Change of payment's assignment
... the system assigns the payment in order to maturity date but the payment needs to be matched with other payment plan...

(payment´s assignment, change of assignment, flexible assignment, permanent assignment)

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
... Notice: If you make any changes in payment plans please be aware that there are notifications sending to the users - I...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... In these cases there is need to add refund to the payment plan...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 How to assign payment plan modification to students under/over 18 (3,4,5...)
... The following instructions explain how to assign payment plan modification ( ) based on the student's age...

(payment plan, modification, birth date, assign the modification, students over 18, students under)

1 The meaning of credit in the Payments module
... represents the difference between the payments received and the assigned fees in payment plans...

1 Payment for canteen
... In order to view / send / print out the amount payable, a payment ... In order to view / send / print out the amount payable, a payment plan...

1 Assigning payment to multiple users
...payment to two or more payers because system is not able to assign this kind of payment: ... split the amount as needed and choose the payment plans (you can choose either concrete payment plan or you can leave just dash - this means flexible assignment): The payment will be assigned to multiple payers after saving changes...

(payment can not be assigned, manual assignment, assignment to multiple users)

1 Creating new materials
...plan and press red + ... How to create a new material: ...

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 Payments module
... The Payments module is active for the teacher with granted rights to the payment module or for the administrator ... The first setting for this type of payment plan is done in the "School cantine" module ... If you are at the end of one school year and at the beginning of a new one, please read how to correctly move payment plans and other payment data...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
... Delete the course, create a new one and create a new plan there...

1 How to restore data lost during creating a new card
...creating new cards in EduPage, or you simply haven't saved your changes, the data can be restored...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
...plan in EduPage (also with preparations), he can decide whether he wants to share his plan with other teachers or not ... The teacher can choose these settings when creating a course in the advanced settings ...

1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
... Only after that they can see the payment is registered and fees in payment plan has been covered ... new fee e...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
...payment order to the bank) or through the insertion of a negative charge (returns) directly into the payment plan to individual users...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
...plan with other teachers, you need to set the visibility of the plan for others ... The teacher can choose these settings when creating a course in the advanced settings ...

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...- Payment plans created by the school display in the first section...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to organize teaching preparations in EduPage
... either new or older version ones, to the relevant topic in the plan ... When creating material:...

1 How to create a new plan?
... You can make a copy of the existing plan directly when creating a course ... If you create a new plan, press "New chapter" button...

1 Setting of school bank accounts and rights in payment module
...payment module is to define school bank accounts for cashless payments from parents ... He/She can also set the rights to this new bank account according his/her needs ... ) Set this account to a payment plan - user can create new payment plan for this bank account...

(payments settings, bank account, administrator - payments, administrator - canteen, visibility to payers, user rights)

1 Where have my last year's courses gone?
...new school year, no courses are displayed in the overview ... When creating the course, you can copy a plan including the preparations from previous school years...

1 How to confirm the imported payments
... Payment can not be assigned - they system could not assign the payment according to assignment attributes and needs to be assigned and confirmed manually ...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
... Before entering the initial credit, it's recommended to set up the following: - In the payment module ... establish an payment plan for meals - ...

(initial credit)

1 Printing fees and payments
... Print reports will show only the displayed payment plans to the users...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
... A new cash collection can teacher create in the payments module logged in as a teacher: ... plan after clicking on button Users:...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 How can I print my plan
... Your plan will be exported to Excell, from which you can print it...

1 List of all helps for payment module
...payment module ... Payment plans - how to set fees...

1 How to create different overviews and export them to excel
...a) payment plans - you can select all of them ... Simply drag the field with the name of the column and move it to its new position...

1 How to copy my teaching plan from a different EduPage account (another active or disabled account)
...plan to and click on the 'Create the plan' button ... A new window opens with all your EduPage accounts linked via the backup email in your Personal account...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
... The system detects the code and automatically assigns the payment to the specific user ... IDs (variable symbols) FROM PREVIOUS SCHOOL YEAR If you use payments module for more years, you can transfer these IDs to the new school year...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... If you stand in the 'Plans & Preparations' section at the specific topic before creating the new material, it will be assign to it automatically...

1 How to edit an existing plan?
...plan ... Now you can add new chapters and topics...

1 Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop
...plan can be displayed by clicking on the "Not assigned to any plan" button ... Later, when you get round to creating plans, the materials will be in the uncategorized cards of the plan...

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
...payment module with a link to instructions ... the following filters are required: a) filter for a specific payment plan or several payment plans together (2 a ... ) delete the unused file and generated a new one...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 How to copy the teaching plan if I teach parallel classes?
...plan to...

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
... which the school has already recorded and has assigned them to the canteen payment plan to the current date reduced by the costs of the student for meals ('issued meal' days) up to the current day, included...

1 My library - What is it used for?
... If you select a specific course, only those materials that are in the plan of that course will be displayed ... If you are creating a new material...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... - lessons for after school activities -you can set up the specific start and end time of each lesson Creating individual teachers' timetables by admin Login as admin to EduPage and Select "Administration of individual teachers' timetables"...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
... Organizing your materials according to the topics of your plan brings you the following benefits: Benefits for teachers: 1 ... If you teach the subject in parallel classes and you use identical plans, you just need to add new materials in one plan...

1 Creating presentations in Edupage - advantages
EduPage offers a tool to quickly and easily create a presentation. It may seems to be too simple. But it can be an advantage for you. 1. Presentations have a responsive design. You or students can preview it as well on a mobile device as on a computer. 2...

1 Creating a remark for each substitution.
You can create a remark for each substitution. This can be used to let the students and the teachers to know some other information. For example that subject will be change or they shall wait 10 minutes for the teacher or similiar...

1 Creating online lessons in Google Meet
... When creating online lessons in Google Meet for the first time, please grant the EduPage application access to the Google calendar...

1 Creating a remark for one day
You can create a remark for each day, where you can specify some more instructions to students and teachers or where you can write down some very complicated swaps. Go to menu "Main - Tools": Then your remark will be dispalyed in dayily substitution reports for teachers and students...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
... Parents will receive notification about new cash collection and they can send money to the school by student ... Creating a teacher´s collection in mobile application is fast and simple ... As the teacher confirms the payment in app/web parent will see the fee as paid...

(mobile application, cash collection, collection, excursion, cinema, photo shooting)

1 How to insert a new teaching material to the topic of the plan
...plan and press the red + button to create new teaching material/new card...

1 Teaching plans - overview
...plan in EduPage for each lesson they teach ... Either they create a new plan ... If the teacher enters a number of lessons per week when creating the course, EduPage will help him plan specific topics for each month...

1 How to change the account for creating online lessons
...creating online lessons integrated in EduPage are linked to an actual account...

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
... Parents will receive notification about new collection and they do not have to send cash to the school carried by student ... Creating a teacher´s collection in mobile application is fast and simple ... The teacher works in his/her teacher EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps:...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)

1 How to copy a teaching plan and teaching materials from one EduPage to another?
...plan including the preparations from a different EduPage, please follow these steps: Select the course that you wish to copy the plan to...

1 How to copy a teaching plan from previous school year?
... You can copy your teaching plan either when creating a course...

1 Overview - plans
... a plan has been created for this course...

1 Copying plans
...1) Copying your own plan from the last school year...

1 How to use teaching plan in class register?
...plan in EduPage, you do not need to type the curriculum on each lesson, just select from a teaching plan...

1 How to create a drop-down list of dormitories?
... Click on New and fill in the necessary information ... When creating a new account for a student...

(dormitory, dormitories, list)

1 Synchronizing preparations in similar plans
... when teaching parallel courses with copied plans), a "Synchronize with similar plans" button appears when creating preparations in one of them...

1 A link between the school photo album and the news on webpage
...creating a new photo album in the school photo gallery, a news item for the school webpage can easily be created at the same time...

1 How to change the school´s bank account
...After saving of changes you can see old account (disabled) and new account ... The bank account was automatically changed in all payment plans connected to this bank account...

(bank account, change of bank account, same purpose)

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
... Select the topic from the plan where you want to connect the materials...

1 Preparing teaching plans for the coming school year
... When creating a course you can copy a teaching plan that is already in your EduPage (e...

1 How to assign standards to a teaching plan?
...If you have not plan yet, create it...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
... You can transfer them to a specific topic in the plan by drag&drop ... B Geography is displayes in the top menu) and you create a new material in the "My library" section for example, the material will be automatically associated with the selected course...

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
...plan by mistake, it can be either removed or deleted...

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
... The teacher can set the type of assignment evaluation when creating a new assignment in the grade book...

1 Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel
... specific payment plan and print/save the report: ... E-mail - prepared templates / modify / create a new template The templates include pre-set texts and so called 'objects'...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... Press the "New assignment/exam" button to create a new assignment (column)...

1 How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?
... If you want to copy a plan from another school year, change the school year in the upper right corner...

1 How to plan the curriculum for individual months?
...new course, you can set "allocated time per week" in the advanced settings of the course ... ) Information about the number of lessons in each month will be reflected in the teaching plan...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
...plan can be found in their original location ... Materials in the new version of EduPage are not organized by key words, but by the teacing plan topics, or school/government standards...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... A common situation when creating ... A common situation when creating a new ... A common situation when creating a new timetable is the timetable planner...

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
...new course at the beginning of the year, create a teaching plan in EduPage also ... make one more step in creating your plan - assign individual teaching standards to your plan's topics...

1 How to plan a test/exam
... It contains all events already planned for the specific class...

1 Evaluation type "Grades"
... While creating a new assingment in Grade book, the teacher can choose weight, which the grade is counted into the average with...

1 How to rename EduPage?
...creating a new Edupage page, the page name is created as a randomly generated 8-digit code, for example, 64293750...

1 Overview - standards
... Red color indicates that the teacher does not have standards assigned to their plan (maybe there is no plan - check in the Plans view)...

1 Overview of taught topic in the plan
... Open the plan for editing...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
... When creating new material that you want to share with other teachers, it is important to attach the material to the proper standard...

1 How to copy preparations from another teaching plan
...Plans or in My library to copy them...

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
... the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 How to restore deleted course (with teacher's plan)
...plan and preparations by mistake...

1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
... Press the Create a plan button ... New chapters and topics can be added...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
... Add a new employee in Agenda online and set the beginning date of the contract ... Finally, link the cover teacher to the absent teacher's plans in the course settings, so that they can proceed in the same plan...

1 How to create new project assignation
...new project assignation, select the topic from your plan and press red + button in right bottom corner...

1 Administrator's rights for Payments module
... If there is no payment module in the list of modules in the top row, add it via 'Select columns' ... NEW - Payments module offers now also extended settings of user´s rights to school´s bank accounts...

(right to administration of payments module, user rights, )

1 How to login to EduPage as administrator?
... Use EduPage name as login name and password you provided when creating the page...

1 Where do I find my teaching materials from former school/place of work?
... After creating new account at School2, login to it and enter the same backup email...

1 How can one plan be shared and used by multiple teachers? (Team teaching)
... In this case, you create a teaching plan as you would normally...

1 How to change the order of topics/chapters in the plan?

1 How can I create new lesson in Substitutions
...new lesson, you can do it in menu "Main - Tools - Add new lesson": The "Add new lesson" dialog will appear ... Then you can proceed as with creating a standard substitution - you can choose teacher, classroom, subject and period...

1 How to define the evaluation scale
... set the maximum number of points to 25 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

(scale, evaluation)

1 New boarder during the school year
... How to enter the orders for new boarder New boarder is already in Agenda ... remember that if a new boarder hasn't recorded any payments yet, the system will immediately interrupt their orders (according to the time and amount you have set in the settings)...

(new boarder)

1 Assign tab - description
... preparations and standards Blue: assign material to another class (create a new assignation) ... Purple: creating an event (written exam) and announcing the date of the written exam Orange: Do you want to print and do the test on paper...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... In the process of creating the event, mass absence note for the participating students can be created ... "Use Settings - add new lesson" and select the teacher and subject: Continue creating lessons for all days of the event...

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
... set the maximum number of points to 35 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

1 Evaluation type "Grade computed from point/percentage value"
... Input the maximum number of pointsa student can gain, while creating a new test/exam...

1 Copying preparations
... 2) You copy the plan with the preparations so that the copied cards are connected to the existing cards (technically one card)...

1 How to send a message to participants of a particular event
...creating the event, or later via the event editing...

1 How to switch dispay mode of test or presentation
... display all questions/slides behind The switch is here: Teacher can set default display mode on the Preview tab when creating or edit the test or presentation...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
... The simple way is to prepare a teaching plan in EduPage...

1 How to announce new exam to students
...plan to be tested...

(add exam)

1 How to copy the content of My library to a different EduPage
...plan from a different EduPage together with the teaching materials...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
... before creating and publishing the timetable 2 ... The teachers prepare their course plans and preparations even before the beginning of term...

1 Admin - forgotten password
... You must specify either the EduPage name or the email address you provided when creating the EduPage page...

1 The advantages of EduPage Preparations
... EduPage tests provide tools for creating test options ... and the new preparations will be copied to this topic in the other parallel classes as well ... If you copy the plan - whether you are teaching parallel classes or you will be teaching this subject next year...

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
... You can see payment ... You can see payment plans divided to School´s bank accounts (you can pay these fees via bank transfer) and Teachers - paid in cash (you need to send cash to school)...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
...plan, the students can test themselves at any time - at school, at home, on the bus, from what they have learned at the lesson...

1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
... Click the "Pay always to this bank account" option as the system always saves the bank account information from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... but book a new one for your lesson or any other activity, you can use option “Book a classroom”: The dialog appears where you can see your timetable ... The room booking will also show up in your daily plan...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... You will even see actual timetables of class, selected substituting teacher, new classroom in lower part of this new window ... Approbation You can create groups of teachers, who can substitute proffessionaly by creating approbations...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no payments recorded in the payment module - whether received, refunded, or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

(delete boarder, renew boarder)

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
...new lesson in subsitution via application...

1 Select the type of webpage
...creating EduPage, you can choose the type of your webpage...

1 How to create assignment in Grade book for the whole school year
...creating an assignment in Grade book, click "Show advanced settings": Select "whole year" in the "Term" column if the assignment is valid for the whole school year...

1 How to attach file to my preparations

1 E-learning
... First, we recommend you create a teaching plan for your course...

1 How to send a website layout draft to colleagues for comments?
... you're switching from a former out-of-date design to a new one), you can gradually prepare the new design, i...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
...plan in a class register, you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic...

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
...plan the teacher’s meeting ... Choose Education/Events Then create new event: In the field „Type“ choose Teacher’s meeting from drop down menu...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
... You can create a new assignment in the grade book, i...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
... If you don't have your teaching plan in EduPage yet...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
... In your plan or in the standards find the material that you want to assign to the students...

1 Payments for parents - basic questions
...- VS is automatically inserted in each payment made via EduPage...

(parent, parent´s account, payments module, variable symbol, bank transfer)

1 How to create a new presentation?
... Finally, make sure that you have the presentation correctly assigned to your plan (marked in blue)...

1 How to create a new survey
... To create a new survey click on "Communication" in the left menu and select "Registration/Surveys"...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
... you do not need to enter them again when creating the course...

1 How to input a new student entry
To input students data into EduPage, or add an individual student select "Setup wizard" on the main page. Select "Students" in the top menu. Type in the names of your students...

1 How to input a new class/subject entry
To input classes/subjects select "Setup wizard" on the main page. Select Classes/Subjects in the top menu. Type in the names of your classes/subjects, their Abbreviation. Assign the classes their class teachers. Press the green "Save changes" button...

1 How to sort the assignments in Grade book into columns
... Select a category to sort the assignment into, when creating an assignment...

1 How do the recipients get to know about a new message
... They are notified about a new message immediately via notification in the application...

1 Administrator - How to copy divisions and groups
...creating the course...

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework

1 How to assign students a file - a study material
...plan ... Select "Create new assignation", select the course or specific students...

1 Import of payments from bank statement
... Notes: During the import the system checks individual transactions and prevents importing the same payment twice...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 Events in substitution
...new events in your school's calendar for some classes, with supervising teachers it will automatically appear in daily substitution...

1 Administrator - standards
... The green color indicates, a topic in the plan with these standards has been already taught...

1 How to add a new book to the Libary module
You can import books into the library or enter them manually. In this instruction guide, we will show you the manual procedure. It is good to familiarize yourself with the library before importing 10,000 books. Students do not see the books or the library module yet...

1 How can the parent print out or change the submitted application?
... When the application has been changed, it is logged in the list of applications under a new code - as a new application...

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
... Automatically by the system - in case that school imports the payments from bank statement The system saves the bank account information from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 Copy duties
...new timetable, you can simply copy all duties and time-offs, which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable...

1 How to create a customised user selection in the chat?
... You can create your own students selection via "Chat -New conversation -Create new group": First you select chat participants from the list of users by clicking on their names from your courses or searching for specific user...

(chat, your own group)

1 How to put a link to the uploaded file into the text?
... Or choose entry Upload file to upload a new file...

1 How to start with e-learning?
... After the courses are created, we recommend to create teaching plans ... Creating new materials How to attach file to my preparations How to enter picture into question 6...

1 EduPage Inventory
... You can add a new item by clicking "New"...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
... If you wish to close the absences counting at an earlier deadline and for the additional excused and unexcused lessons not to be counted into the final report, follow the instructions: The administrator creates a new type of absence, not to be counted into the final report attendance...

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... and the system awaits payment to resume meal provision ... - You can choose a pre-set template (Canteen - interrupted orders) or create a new email template as the email text...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 The means of informing parents about events organized by the school
... The advantage of using EduPage is that the students, parents and teachers are immediately notified about the new event via a notification in EduPage...

1 What is a card?
... + Learning environment: Thanks to the cards associated with your plan, students can test themselves for the topic, the system will immediately evaluate their answers, they have immediate feedback ... The presentation is created by the gradual addition of new card-slides...

1 Workload types to be used at our school
... A new workload item can be added...

1 How to return a student's project for rework
... When the student submits the second version of the project, the teacher can see a new attempt for this student...

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... fill start date from the new price will be valid ... Set the month and click on image one person and Prices without payments The same principle is with overhead costs...

(prices, change)

1 Teacher - Calendar
... Teacher can plan a meeting with other teachers or coordinate exams so that students do not have many big exams close together...

1 Teacher - how to give students extra points?
... The teacher clicks to create a new assignment (new column) in the grade book...

1 How to use EduPage for distance learning
... The teacher creates materials to the topic of the teaching plan...

1 How to set up a Grade book
... Instructions for creating EduPage accounts: 3 ... A thematic plan, preparations, grades, homework and others are linked to the lesson...


1 Registration to field trips, seminars, courses and other activities
... Administrator can create a payment plan for subscribers ... Creating new action ...

1 Creating teaching plan by manually entering the curriculum
...plan in EduPage, they can create one gradually by manually entering the lesson curriculum in the class register ... A new "no name" chapter is automatically created in the teaching plan containing all the manually entered curricula...

1 How do I use my last year's teaching plan?
...plan from this year's or previous year's teaching plan when creating a course...

1 How to create a teaching plan in the mobile app.
...plan created for your course, simply start creating it in the mobile app ... If you already have some topics in the plan, follow these instructions to add a new topic:...

1 Teacher - How to prepare a plan for a school club
... preparation for next day lessons, sports, relaxation, we still recomment creating only one teaching plan...

1 What is "a course" good for?
... Creating a new course is very simple ... A teaching plan and preparations are linked to the course...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
...new school year, the teachers do not see any of their courses after login to EduPage ... It makes creating your courses much easier ... If you wish to copy a teaching plan e...

1 Teachers in students' groups alternate. How to create a course?
... The teachers in the groups alternate, but they still follow the same plan for each group ... How to create the courses in a correct way? As all of the teachers follow the same teaching plan in the same group, we reccomend creating one course for each students' group...

1 Creating degree courses
... When creating a degree course and the timetable has been already published, EduPage contains information about the registered students...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
... Interpretation of the numbers: Remaining lessons: When creating a course at the beginning of school year, a teacher can state the number of lessons per week ... Spare lessons: The teachers create a teaching plan at the beginning of the school year...

1 'Select category' question card
...creating the 'Select category' question card teachers sort the answers into the categories the same way as they do by creating the 'Sorting into categories' question card...

1 Creating consultation hours for students
... To create new consultation hour, press red + button in bottom right corner...

1 Creating Awards and Certificates for students in EduPage
Choose 'Education‘ from the left menu and click on the 'Awards, Certificates‘: By using the category, orientation (landscape /portrait) and background filter choose the template that suits your needs. Select a student. In case of generating the same certificate (e.g...

1 Can I manually adjust the curriculum in class register?
... If you selected the curriculum from your plan and now you wish to adjust it, or amend it, select Enter manually ... The new text will be recorded in the class register but your plan will not change...

1 How to create new question card?
... Select the topic from your plan you want to prepare cards for ... After creating the question, save it and press Done (highlighted in red)...

1 What do I gain by creating groups of similar questions?
Creating groups of similar questions has advantages for the teacher: 1...

1 Teacher - How to create a course for a school club
... Start creating the course by clicking the + button ... A new course has been created and it has been added to the courses overview ... A teaching plan can be prepared for your new course in EduPage...

1 Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course
... This can be done while creating the course, or at a later stage by changing the course settings ... The teaching plan is the same and they use the same class register...

1 What are the topics in "No chapter name" section?
... This chapter is called No chapter name and is included at the end of your plan so far: This means all topics taught can be found in your plan...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
... To create a new course, select "My courses" in the top menu ... If you have a teaching plan from previous school year or you if you teach parallel classes ... These aren't courses, it's just a tool for creating courses...

1 Registration for a field trip
... Press the red + New sign ... Administration can create a payment plan linked to this field trip...

1 How to modify created Award/Certificate
...creating the Certificate ... take the same steps as when creating the new one If you leave the same text in 'Awards for' column, previously generated certifcate will be overwritten...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
...- select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it - if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan, but want to write the topic manually instead, follow these steps:   Click a topic from the plan you want to cancel...

1 Course with two components e.g. theoretical preparation and practice
...creating the course: The first component is theoretical preparation...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
... The second teacher creates a new course, copies the plan of the first teacher and selects the students for his group...

1 Teacher - login
... Should the new password be forgotten, school administrator must be contacted to change the password ... Password to your personal EduPage account can be changed in the 'My Profile' section: You can change your login name when creating your personal account...

1 "Connected pairs" question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Open question" card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to restore a course (with plan) deleted by mistake?
The "Manage Courses" option is below your courses list. Select Deleted courses/Restore course. Mark the course you want to restore and press Restore...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
... Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list...

1 How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
... Select a topic from the plan...

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
...plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text"...

1 "Categories" question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
... In the "Instructions to substituting teacher" the absent teacher can select a topic from the plan for the cover teacher to teach...

1 I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
... Each students' group will have their teaching plan, you can follow the plan in a different pace in each group...

1 "Sorting" question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to excuse students' absences due to school representation automatically
... Select "Mass evaluation" while creating a New event...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
...creating divided courses it is important to select the students who attend the course...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... If you already have your teaching plan saved in EduPage, just select a topic from the plan ... Assigning homework/exam: Press the "Add new exam / homework / Test" option in the Timetable section...

1 ABCD question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Subjects with more components
... There are two ways how to create an course for this subject: 1st option - one plan for both subject components 2nd option - two courses, two plans connected throught "Subject component"...

1 Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson, can select a topic from their plan for the cover teacher via "Instructions to substituting teacher" in the class register: The cover teacher can record the curriculum in the class register by selecting a topic from the plan...

1 How to create new test ?
...plan you're preparing the test for (this step is important so that the newly created test has been properly attached to your plan)...

1 "Select correct tile" type of question
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Blind map" question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to group several cards into a presentation
... Click on the cards that are in your plan ... If you do not have any cards yet, create your new cards directly in the mobile app right now...

1 Courses with bell icon
... These aren't courses, it's just a tool for creating courses...

1 "Type in" question card
...new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Fastest way to input lesson topic
... Slide the tile with the lesson to the left and click to select a topic form the plan...

1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
... The scheduled time of your school club or interest group can be added when creating the course, or at a later stage...

1 How do I add files, images, photos, videos to my preparations in the mobile app?
... Go to the topic in the plan and click the red +...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
...plan select the topic of your question from the teaching plan on the left...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
... If one of the duplicate courses includes a teaching plan, delete the course without a teaching plan...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
...new test - VIDEOTUTORIAL Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards...

1 How to input that we continue the same topic as in the previous lesson
... select Copy curriculum from previous lesson: That way you select the same topic from your plan as you did in the previous lesson...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
... By default, a new assignment (new column) is created in the gradebook for each assignment (recommended)...

1 How to delete a course
... If you have deleted the course by mistake (with plan and preparations), please contact your EduPage Administrator who can restore the deleted course...

1 Overview of the use of EduPage preparations
...plan and all the materials and preparations for that topic display: These materials include teacher's notes, aids, presentations, etc...

1 Lesson with the teacher's assistant
... Both the teacher and the assistant can see the same course, have the same plan, and they can both input data in the class register...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
... Selecting the teaching topic from the plan is easier and faster...

1 Divided and joined classes
...creating the course at the beginning of the school year...

1 How to create more advanced interactive cards with questions
...new card into your preparations and select the question type:...

1 Why is there a number of lessons in grey in my preparations?
... The number of these lessons is displayed in grey color: Example as shown in the image above: 3 +1 / 4 - 2 number of lessons already taught about this topic - 1 lesson about this topic planned for the upcoming future...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for school club
... The teacher can create a teaching plan for the course, record the topic in class register, record attendance etc ... Please, bear in mind that each course comes with its new class register...

1 How to group questions directly in the test
...creating test versions...


1 Creating a new or opening existing timetable
... the following screen will appear: Create new timetable: The Timetable wizard will create a blank timetable and it will open a sequence of dialogs for entering your data...

1 Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
...With Timetables Online you can add events from your school's daily plan to your calendar application ... If you think your address was compromised, click "Reset URL" button to generate new address (and invalidate old one)...

1 How to give user rights to another teacher to administer Timetables Online?
... You should start by creating a teacher's account for this teacher in EduPage: Next, you give them user rights to administer timetables: The teacher can then see and administer timetables from their teacher's account...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... teacher "Einstein") - click the button Lessons - in a new dialog use the button New lesson ... The dialog "Lesson" is displayed: For creating a new lesson select/set these options: 1...

1 What is shared classroom?
... When creating or editing classrooms, you can specify that some of them are 'Shared room': Later, when you will be creating the lesson, which can be allocated into one of shared classrooms, you can just mark this option...

1 What's new in version 2007
... This new version is part of this trying and we hope you will like the new features ... - we also plan another update with new Substitutions features in this summer...

1 Working with divided lessons
Creating a divided lesson: 1...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
...new data just follow these steps: 1...

1 How to add new classroom
... Add the Full name and the Short name for every new classroom...

1 How to input new teacher
... For each new teacher it is necessary to specify its First and Last name and Short name, which is very important, because it is often use during the work or in the printed layouts...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... For creating them, just select the teacher (or more teachers via "More teachers" button), subject and as a "class" use option "without class"...

(without class, teachers' meeting, )

1 How to add a new subject

1 What’s new in version 2021
... New filters in advanced card relationship The advanced card relationships now have additional filters that can be applied to terms and weeks...

(new version)

1 What’s new in version 2019
...new in aSc TimeTables 2019 1...

1 How to add a new class
... For each new class it is necessary to specify its Full name and Short name, even if they are identical...

1 What’s new in version 2020
...Here is a list of new features in version 2020 1...

1 What’s new in version 2018
...new in aSc TimeTables 2018 aSc TimeTables online Yes, that’s correct - it is now possible to create the timetable from your browser...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... The advisor was improved The advisor can now detect several new potential problems in your timetable before the actual generation starts ... You can use it to track student’s attendance, input curriculum including teaching plans, input student grades and how they progress in various competencies...

1 What's new in version 2014
... Besides this we have made the generation faster, added new mobile application and new web features...

1 What's new in version 2012
... It is also possible to input the daily plans/attendance directly from your smart phone ... This year the main changes are focused on the Substitution(Coverage) module, but there are new things in both Timetables and Timetables Online as well...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The biggest change in this year’s release is the new timetable generator: Self-modifying generator When you start the generation of your timetable the software first checks your data, your lessons, your constraints and then in literally generates a low level processor code that is tailored to you...

1 What’s new in version 2016
...The new ... New modules in the mobile application The mobile application now handles teaching plans ... it is possible to view payments and more...

1 What's new in version 2008
... The new version is now nicer, but more importantly it shall be easier to use...

1 What’s new in version 2009
... However this new version greatly extends these possibilities...

1 What's new in version 2013
... You can exactly specify how many times per week kids can be in the best room, how many times you will tolerate usage of the emergency room: There are now a few new rules that allow you to reduce the room usage to save on cleaning or rent the rooms: Cardrelationships for groups, subjects, teache...

1 What's new in version 2010
... It offers several features that will help you with sharing the timetables, online backups, teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more ... Everything is secured, hosted on aSc Servers, so that you do not need to maintain your web-server to get these new features...

1 What’s new in version 2022
... New cardrelationship Max free days between cards per all weeks Improved dialog for cardrelationships Improved sorting of the cardrelationships and it is possible to put some background colors to keeps them in order...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... you can immediately start with creating your new timetable...

(first step, new timetable)

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
... New Administration window with timetable preview now you can see quick preview with changes you did in your timetable Students' groups selections In the "Students" window you can assign individual students into groups you have created in classes divisions...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
...Advisor now checks for multiple new issues in your timetable...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... With these improvements in the algorithm - the generator can now much better predict and avoid problems during the generation and the new version can easily generate many timetables that took hours or days in the previous version...

1 Why are all new lessons placed on Wednesday?
... that default day for each new lesson shall be specific day - e...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
...You can now use the new mode of generation „Relaxed based on importance“...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
... You can specify it here: Note: this is needed only if you are creating timetable based on groups...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
... At first select in two checkboxes, if you wish to import a new data with periods and bells from the timetable...

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
... Second option means, that all changes they will be doing will be visible only for them and basically they are creating totally new-different timetable as you...

1 Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 2)
... you can input it by creating two "rooms"...

1 How to input seminar lessons
...creating seminar lessons...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
...) than you have to create a new Timetable file and save it on your edupage under a new name...

1 Design object properties
... So instead of creating design for each class with hardcoded class's name, you can create one design with text the includes {Class:Name}...

1 Divisions
... Each division can divide the Class into unlimited number of groups: When creating a lesson, you always specify a group for this lesson ... The program will automatically create these initial divisions for a new class: Division 1: 1st Group / 2nd Group Division 2: Boys / Girls Always keep in mind...

1 We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution1)
...You can handle this situation by adding new period and setting bell times like this: ... You can handle this by creating advanced card relationship: Note: If this solution is not suitable for your school...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... In last step, you can mark, if you wish to send information to all teachers/students/parents, that new timetable has been published ... like Teacher's Daily plan, Class register, Attendance, etc, it is a good idea to also Verify your timetable...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... The new dialog displays ... More on this can be found in the section for defining lesson(course) Once you start creating sections for courses and maybe trying generate partial timetables, you can observe three colors of students requested subjects...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
... Use menu "File - Save as" and save this file under a new different name (e...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
... Just save a new version Use this option, if you are not done yet with all your changes, or you simply do not wish others to see them...

(changes, save timetable, overwrite published )


1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...- Payment plans created by the school display in the first section...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 Parents/students: How to sign new grades?
... New grades are highlighted in yellow...

1 How to send message to teachers or students
...new message, press the red + button...

1 My child enrolled to a new school. I can't see him in the app.
When a parent has several children at school, the parent should supply the school with the same e-mail address for a parent account for each school. Then the children will be displayed in the parent account...

1 Where do I find teacher's materials from previous years?
...Choose the plan topic you would like to browse...


1 Login - student
... Should the new password be forgotten, school administrator must be contacted to change the password ... We recommend creating a personal account where your login will be your email address...

Creating new test questions - Tests

1 ABCD question - horizontal layout
The ABCD type question can also have a horizontal layout of options. When typing options, select "Horizontal layout"...

1 ABCD question with more than one correct answer
After clicking on one of the answers in the ABCD question, a "Multiple choice options" box appears on the right side of the screen. Select the "1 or more are correct" option. You will be able to tag multiple answers as correct...

1 How to display the answers in ABCD question card in a fixed order
By default the answers are listed in ABCD question card in random order, ie each student gets the answers displayed randomly. In certain cases randomising the answers doesn't make sense or it is not desirable...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
In some cases there is more than one version of the correct answer, e.g. in the example given the right answer is 'Napoleon' or 'Napoleon Bonaparte'. Type the different correct answers in square brackets and use semicolon to separate them...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
When editing the "type in" question, you can select between two "Answer options" located on the right. Use the first setting option to set the width of the "type in" field...

1 "Sorting" question card - horizontal layout of options
In sorting type of question you can choose a horizontal layout of options: Select a horizontal layout when entering options...

1 How to add hint or solution into question?
To add hint or solution to the test question, press + at the question. select Hint or Solution Students can use hint If you enter solution, students can see it after submitting his/her answer...

1 Keyboard special characters in the question cards, e.g. $, /, [ ]?
Forward slash Forward slash is a keyboard special character used for separating the answers in the ' Select the correct answer' question card. If you need to enter forward slash in the answer, put the whole expression into the quotation mark...

1 How to enter a fraction in preparations?
The teacher can write the fractions in the so-called mathematical mode using LaTeX syntax as follows: $ \frac{numerator}{denominator} $, e.g. $ \frac{1}{2} $ Result after saving the card: If you use complex fractions , for better readability we recommend either using the formula, ie...

1 How to create a question with a fraction as a results
There are two ways how teacher can enter a fraction as a result of a question: 1. method: When entering a question in which students have to complete a fraction, click in the text box. It lights up yellow. The correspondence question settings appear on the right side of the screen...

Start with the payment module - Payments

1 Payments module
Insert text here ....

New School Year - administrator - New school year

1 Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year
... To display the interest group in the teacher's and students' class register, input the interest group into the personal timetable of the teacher (either in the process of creating the course...

1 Administrator - How to enter the login names for parents
... Inform the parents about their new EduPage accounts by clicking the "Send passwords to parents" button...

1 A fast way to switch between school years
Generally, the school year switch can be found in the "Settings - school year" menu: There is also a faster way to switch between school years...

1 How to set up the end of employment to a colleague and deactivate his account?
... Note: Be sure to transfer the courses to the new teacher and adjust the timetable validity before disabling the EduPage account during the current school year...

1 How to set up the end of employment to a colleague and deactivate his account?
Insert text here ....

How to create new material? - Preparations

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
When inserting an image into the card, you can adjust its size. Click the image. Image settings display on the right hand side. Image size can be adjusted by inserting another image next to the first one...

1 How to enter picture into question
You can insert the image in the tab below or to the right of the existing content. To insert an image below the content, click the yellow "+" at the bottom of the tab. Choose what you want to insert in the question...

1 How do I add audio file to my preparations
Select the topic, to which you want to add an audio file. Then simply drag the file, move it over the start card. When this card turns green, drop it. You can test the audio file by pressing the play card button...

1 How to send to students a sound file that can be downloaded
When inserting a sound file into the card, the predefined play mode is indicated: In the Sound settings you can select a play mode "multiple times with time seek". In this mode it is possible to download the sound file. Click on the three dots to download the file...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
The size limit of a file uploaded to EduPage by a teacher or by a student is 50 MB. Best practice is not to send large files (even files smaller than50 MB) via e-mail nor via EduPage. If you need to share large files with your students, we recommend you use cloud services, e.g...

1 How to make material invisible for students?
Select "Visibility icon" on the material you want to make invisible for students...

1 How to insert internet link to a card?

1 How to add a video to your preparations
... Paste the link into your EduPage preparations as follows: Click on the relevant topic in the plan and press the red + sign...

1 How to create card with table in preparations
Press red + in the bottom right corner and select "Text Card". Click on the card, a yellow + appears at the bottom. Select a table. You can set the number of rows and columns of the table either in the right pane (Table options) or through the + buttons. Choose the border style...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
Select the card you want to copy. Click on the "Duplicate cards" icon in the top menu. Select the option to make a copy without grouping. Press Done. A copy of the card has been created and can be further edited...

1 How to enter mathematical symbols in questions?
To enter mathematical expressions, LaTeX syntax is used. Instructions for use of LaTeX can be found on the Internet, for example here: KaTeX supported symbols Mathematical expressions to be displayed in a line between the text must be enclosed in two dollars, for instance: $x^3 = 9$...

1 How to copy question?
Select the question, so that yellow frame around it is highlighted. Press CTLR+C (copy). Press CTRL+V (paste) on the place, you want to copy the question. Press Done...

1 How to input chemical compounds
LaTeX is an instrument for writing mathematical expressions. The "mchem" part of this instrument is for writing chemical formulas. Chemical formulas to be displayed in a line of text, have to be enclosed in dollar signs and curly brackets \ce, tj. $ \ce{.....

1 How to insert more than one image
More images can be inserted into the card via the black + sign. It appears when hovering your mouse over the first image. When inserting images this way, the system will make sure the images are aligned properly...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
If you have created your test questions in a text editor, importing them to EduPage is easy. We recommend numbering individual questions for the system to recognize them (this can not be a numbered list). The answers in ABCD questions have to be marked a) b) c) d) etc...