
1 Class time off
...Time off ... you can specify when a particular class can or cannot have the lessons...

1 Class - constraints
...class you can set core constraints ... See: G: You can set that the Class teacher must teach the class in a specific time during the week...

1 How to specify when a class can have a lunch?
... If all classes have lunch during 6th period, you can define this with Time-off for classes...

1 Time-off
... For classes, teachers, classrooms and subjects you can define so called "Time-off"...

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... free period) in a class timetables by default ... You can define similar thing also with Time-off for that class...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
...class that starts with 1st lesson ... the software assumes that this is a special class and turns off the automatic teaching block for this class ... So it's lessons do not have to be from 1st period, they can be at any time during the day...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
...times it is allowed to be on question marked positions ... Typical usage of this feature is the following: Imagine the class has 3 lessons of history per week...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
...time-off for Biology, it then affect all Biology lessons in all classes...

1 Moving the cards manually
...timetable by simple movements of cards ... The class the card belongs to is displayed in green...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
...) the program will offer you a context menu with the most frequently used features for that particular object ... Then it will not be replaced during the future generation of your Timetable ... Classroom...

1 Import from XML
... Please see this topic for simpler way of importing data into aSc Timetables: aSc Timetables can import data from "aSc Timetables XML" file ... Adding new columns into XML file As an example, we can enhance XML import with class teachers for classes...

1 What's new in version 2014
...Thank you again for the ongoing support and interest in aSc TimeTables ... You can use it in case your timetable passes the test, that means the software is able to generate timetables for each individual class, teacher or room but it is not possible to generate the whole timetable...

1 We have 6 lessons each day but on Friday we have only 4
...You can specify different time-off for each class...

1 0.5 lessons
... aSc Timetables supports only period lengths 1,2,3 ... only you have to take in mind that program will show incorrect total number of lessons for teacher and class...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... List of teachers will be (re)sorted every time you select some lesson in grid ... - Teacher's approbation (green strip) - if teacher belongs to selected subject's approbation, - Teacher teaches in class (blue strip) - if teacher has already some lessons in selected class...

1 Hotkeys
...timetable generation ... CTRL+LEFTCLICK - if the class is divided into groups, CtrlClick will pick all groups on this position ... SHIFT holding shift while moving card will show the time-off of the card below the cursor instead of the card you have in hand...

1 Subject - Constraints
... It means that this subject is "more difficult" and you may not want to have "to many" such subjects in one day for a class ... See: B: Set the maximum allowed number of lessons on question marked positions, in subjects Time-off...

1 How to specify that we cannot use classroom at certain times?
... classes, ... ) you can use time-off to define when you can use certain classroom...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... Lessons without class can be used to specify some activities for teachers only ... By doing this you can make sure that all math teachers have time to meet and discuss some math teaching strategies at the same time every week...

(without class, teachers' meeting, )

1 Maximum one planning time lesson per day
...time lessons can be inputted as lessons without class...

1 Typical situation: Two teachers are teaching two subjects in one class at the same time
...class, but you can create lesson for each group of certain class ... Then in the software you will see both lessons can be placed at the same time:...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
...class ... time and the Group2 shall start with Sewing lesson...

1 Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
... 3 classes and 8 teachers ... As solution, we have to check time-offs of all other teachers, then mentioned by advisor on highlighted position, and allow some periods...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
...classes come in the morning and which in the afternoon ... then you simply need to modify the time-off of the classes: You may need to raise the number of periods per day in menu Main/School...

1 How to set teacher's timeoff
... It is possible to set this in menu Specification - Teachers - Time off...

1 Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 2)
...-you cannot use the original Gym room(because then software can place one lesson in Gym and another at the same time into GymA and third into GymB) - if you have big class with many students that require the whole Gym...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
...) on day selected in time-off map...

1 Merging lessons in the lists in Timetables online
... They are with the same teacher and class but different in classrooms settings ... They are with the same teacher and class also, but this time with the same classrooms settings too...

1 Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
...class they shall not be placed every time late in the day...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...classes ... 1: Then the software added time-off of teachers...

1 Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
... Notes: - this approach is better then locking, because there are 7 different positions the Bio can end up on Friday - you could have created a new subject called "BioFriday" and set the time-off, but this approach is cleaner, no fake subjects...

1 Modifying the time format
...time format...

1 How to add class name, classteacher, homeclassroom to my print design
... Type your text before "{Class:Class teacher}" For example: "Main teacher: {Class:Class teacher}" For each class the part in brackets will be replaced by it's classteacher's name...

1 Homework preparation
... You can specify this individually for every class: This way you can balance the time students need to spend preparing for school every day...

1 How can I specify class main teacher?
...class you can specify so called "class main teacher", who is responsible for the class during the school year ... - teachers names will be displayed in the top-right corner of class's timetable...

(class teacher)

1 I want subject in one class to be on the same positions as subject in another class
Question: I want to have Math lessons in 5.A on the same postions as English lessons in 5.B Answer: You have to define new advanced card relationship (menu Specification/Card relatioships/Advanced) for this purpose. See picture below...

1 Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
... However if you really have two independent teachers, and you do not want them to teach at the same time...

1 What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
... If you input the same condition without specifing the time map: it would mean that each teacher can teach only on one day per week...

1 Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms
... However if you want them to be on the same time in each week, because teachers might swap kids, you can create this cardrelationship: Basivally this will say there can be max 2 periods per all weeks...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
... However, if there are some lessons for subject (usually Planning time) which you wish to exclude from this count of 3...

1 What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
... If they are from the same class: If you have divided class and one part has English and another part have Spanish, the software will automatically put them together if they are from the same division ... but use this only when the join is always the same: For a very special case you can say that groups have to start at the same time: ...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
...timetable where one half has English on Monday 6th period, while the other half goes home after the 5th period...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th position in each class (solution 2)
...time map: Do not forget to set "apply to selected subjects in selected classes"...

1 Students from the entire grade are divided into groups
...classes in the same grade are often divided into groups according their level in particular subject (e ... Once you add all your other lessons (input all data first), these lessons will be placed at the same time (or you can use relations for assuring this to happen)...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... Finding these mistakes is very important, because if it is not possible to generate timetable for just one class or one teacher then it will not be possible to generate whole timetable for sure...

(basic test)

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
...class assigned for given seminar ... In such case a card "without class" is created and can be placed only into teacher's timetable...

1 How can I stop the cloud generation?
... You can stop the generation at any time - just please note that closing browser tab, or generation dialog will not stop the generation...

1 How can I increase the speed of cloud generation?
...TimeTables - we provide with one computer in our datacenter, that you can use for your generation...

1 Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 1)
...classroom can accomodate more lessons at once:...

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
... teacher can have max 3 days with lessons on the positions marked on the time map...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
... You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable ... The Test tests just one item at time, however sometimes problems are not linked just to single class/teacher, but occur when trying to generate two or more classes/teachers, whole grades, or even half of all classes, etc...

1 Full and divided lessons from one subject
... that a subject in the class is taught as a combination of lessons for entire class and for groups also, it is undesirable that lessons for groups to be separated with lessons for full class...

1 Divisions
...class can be divided into multiple divisions ... Lessons for the '1st group' can't be taught at that time even, if there will be no boy in this group...

1 Working with timetable - general information
...TimeTables screen consists of several parts: 1 - Menu - contains commands for program control ... Henry teaches mathematics three times a week in the 1A class, the program will prepare three identical cards for the 1A class indicated as Mathematics and with the color assigned to Mr...

1 All double lessons can be over certain break
...times - Periods" dialog from the default ... the break is too short and kids will have individual breaks before or after the double lesson), simply turn off this constraint for the break...

1 Checking room capacity
...The software then check this capacity during the generation and it also can warn you if you manually put bigger class into smaller room:...

1 Class lessons
...class via Classes - select the class - click Lessons ... In this dialog you can: For Timetables ONLINE users: ...

1 Our class teachers always have to teach the 1st lesson
... see this article first: If this class teacher teaches only one subject, you can simply lock their lesson on that position...

1 How to delete class
... In the "Whole" view simply select another class (just click in any other row )...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
... For example, if your new class 6 ... You can save a lot of time by reusing already entered scheduling data...

1 Class XY contains a window
...class MUST have lessons and when it CAN have lessons ... If the CAN section is 5-7 and the class has lesson on 7th but not on 6th then 6th is window in the students timetable...

1 How to edit class details
...class from the list - click on Edit button...

1 How to specify class grade
...class you can specify its "Grade"...

1 Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
...class than you actually have positions per week ... so in total she has 40 periods per week: Do not forget to check the timeoff - teacher can have 10 periods...

1 How to add a new class
... The dialog Class appears...

1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
...class or teachers in the current timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 We have different bells on some days.
... The default time is displayed at a top, if you do not fill in, then the default time for this period is used...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... Every time pick just ONE teacher and ONE subject ... On picture below we have also created example in 8th grade - please note, that in class...

1 Number of students in class and groups
...class you can specify number of it's students:...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
... This solution is good, if you do not know how many special lessons - without class - each teacher will have ... - If you know that for example each teacher has to have 5 planning time lessons...

1 Class can have max 2 gaps per day
...classes and students by default, but calculates the average number of lessons per day and then it places them consecutively ... See this article for more information: However if you need to have gaps in classes timetables, but you wish to minimize them to max 2 free periods in a day, you can do so in this way: 1...

1 How can I change the color of class?
...class in this way: This color then can be used for printed layouts, or for displaying on the main screen during your work...

1 Can I set the number of lessons per day?
... So even, if you set this number to 15 periods per day and a class has just 30 lessons per week, the software will still put only 5-6 lessons on each day ... you can block periods via class time-offs...

1 How can I specify default classroom for certain class
...class its default classroom called "Home classroom"...

(home classroom)

1 Education block - How to allow gaps in class timetables
... how ASC Timetables places lessons into automatic "Educational block" ... If you wish to allow gaps in classes timetables (and it means also in students timetables) you can set in Class - Constraints - Advanced - Discontinuous educational block...

(discontinuous educational block)

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
... At the same time program tries to keep same number of students in partuicular seminar groups of same subject ... class ... offer you such a bad solution (standard 30%)...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
... There are some positions in the timetable where all students must have lesson, e ... because of checking of windows in class's timetable, or because all students must start education at period 1...

1 How to join two groups from same division in one class
... You can join two (or more) groups in one class only if they are from the same division...

1 How can I copy division from one class to another classes
...classes into one joined lessons, we recommend you to use the same names of the groups...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
... This means that this rule is applied to each class where each selected teacher is teaching separatelly...

1 Can I set the min/maximum number of lessons per day for one class?
...class ... So setting the min/max is only needed when you want to override this automatic calculation or if you have turned it off...

1 Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
...timetable automatically according card distribution settings in subjects constraints ... In 5th grade classes you require these lessons shall be at least two days apart AND you wish that there should be gap when week repeats...

1 Additional data synchronisation
...time you upload a new timetable that is official for some time of the school year ... In the next steps you can check whether all the Teachers, Classes, Students, Subjects or Classrooms are connected with their EduPage counterparts...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... In case you have diffent bells in some parts of the school or on some days, then you can print the bell time directly on the cards ... the periods times are printed: In class timetable...

1 How can I print bell times in timetable header?
...time intervals":...

1 I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
... For example if class has 2 English lessons with teacher A and 3 English conversation lessons with teacher B and you want both subjects to be on the same period each day...

1 Teacher's lessons - Contracts
... the following dialog will appear: The same dialog appears when you are editing lessons of certain Class...

1 Design object properties
... So instead of creating design for each class with hardcoded class's name, you can create one design with text the includes {Class:Name}...

1 How to specify that class can have max one 7th lesson or max one 0lesson?
...Then you can say the class shall have max one lesson on the question marked positions...

1 What is cloud generator?
... You can monitor the progress of the generation in your mobile phone: You can enjoy spending your time with your kids or fiance on the beach, while computers somewhere in datacenter will do your work faster...

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
... it is necessary to create all duties in this way: Then you can choose a teacher for room supervision by clicking on supervision time in "Room supervision" view ... Their colors indicate this: Green - means that teacher is teaching in nearby classroom (in the relation with selected room for supervision) Blue - means that teacher is teaching in some other classroom (not nearby...

1 Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
...Please note the: Apply to selected teacher's classes...

1 How to combine lessons of two divisions of class on one position?
... For example, let's have a class where students for Math divide in two groups (M1/M2) and for Spanish language they divide in 3 groups (S1/S2/S3) and content of education is the same in all groups...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
... In case you want to combine only some students of the class (for example only group "Boys") then you need to select field "Group" for each class...

1 How to apply a print design
...) if you want to apply this design to selected class or to all classes ... Then your timetable is shown with this new design:...

1 Adding more lessons at once
... Next time you just need to select this name and the same lessons will be added to another class or teacher...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
...3: Notes: - you can of course change the time map to better reflect your definition of morning...

1 Max different buildings per day (#58)
... Class 5 ... For more precise specification of transits between buildings for classes, you can use a time map for this card relationships...

1 Generate draft timetable
...timetable generation it is advised to try to generate draft ... you can specify which constraints you want to turn off, and which shoudl be active with strict or relaxed generation...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
...time the computer shall spend checking your timetable...

1 We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
...Lets say that class 5A has biology lesson three times per week...

1 Control panel
... 2 - The button for viewing the timetable of the current teacher or class...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... that you have lessons where are physically two or more teachers in one classroom with one group of students at the same time, you can add all teachers via button "More teachers"...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)

1 What’s new in version 2020
... If you have hard timetable and time (overnight, weekend) you can let the cloud generator work and when you come back you will see the best result it has found...

1 We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution1)
...times for various parts of school, e ... which will be disabled using Time-off for classes...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
... It will stop after reasonable time (defined by the complexity of generation) but you can stop it at any time and the software will show the best solution so far...

1 Editing lesson - Options
... or by right clicking on cell: The list of available options depends on the lesson you are editing: Lessons - Show lessons in this cell in standard class lessons dialog...

1 How to add new classroom
...Classrooms - New ... See: See also: Note Theoretically the classrooms can be omitted and you can create a timetable without entering any classrooms...

1 How to open previously saved versions of my timetable online
...time when you use the same name for saving your timetable - online ... or even after publishing it from offline version, the Edupage saves it as a new version of the same timetable file...

1 I want to print also classroom/teacher/subject for each lesson
... class, teacher, classroom and for each object you can also specify position of each element...

1 Math can not be right after PE, but it can be before or at least one period later

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... By this expression ASC Timetables understands: "an event ... It means, that there is no general option as "without subject" (as it is possible to choose in teachers or class option) and you have always to choose some subject...

1 Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
...part-time teacher and teaches 15 music lessons in two weeks...

1 French and Spanish language lessons can be in one day, but with a gap at least 2 periods
Class has 4 Spanish lessons and 4 French...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Here you can change more then just class before the lessons are added back into the timetable...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
...Select class on the right side ... if you want to print individual timetable for each student...

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
...timetables is very similar to the regular cards but there are few differences: The first difference is in the way of displaying the cards ... Seminar cards are shown as a horizontal stripes within the row of class...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... or make sure that one teacher or one class is not affected more times per week ... Substitutions online now offers a possibility to move the lesson of absent teacher to a different day:...

1 What’s new in version 2017
...Draft generation was extended to better help you identify possible problems in your timetables ... The constraints for teachers and classes were split into several constraints that can be turned off or on individually...

1 How to ensure lunch break for teachers
...time for lunch, you can input it this way: Example: Lunch between periods 3-5...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... set more classrooms ... Long time absences In case of long time absence of your colleague ... Copy duties and time-offs No need to add duties and time-off in teachers schedule everytime you publish new timetable...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
...class registers of the classes that are distance educated ... EduPage will still allow you to input topics taught and students`attendance, but at the same time the system will remember that the students are physically at home...

1 Copy duties
...timetable, you can simply copy all duties and time-offs, which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable...

1 How to input an absence note
...class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes, you can input an absence note by clicking the red + sign ... Type in the reason of absence and the respective time period of your child's absence from the lessons...

1 Class register archive - Generating reports from Class register
...Class register of the whole school can be archived with one click by the administrator ... At any given time during the school year the class register can be generated to a report...

1 How to record distance education in Class register
... Input the time frame for compulsory distance education ... but the same the system will allow you to record information into the class register as normal...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... Lessons will be displayed in class registers and teachers will be able to add curriculum and absences ... What is the difference between this timetable and the one created in aSc Timetables? - you can create lessons for specific time interval, e...

1 Workload types to be used at our school
... Go to "Settings", select the "Workload" tab and turn off the superfluous items...

1 How can a class teacher view and input grades to students in their class?
...official courses ... In the "unrestricted" mode, any teacher can view/input grades to students in any class via the "advanced mode"...

1 History of class register editing
...class register...

1 How to record students` attendance in distance education
...a) If the lesson is held online via Class register ... Students who joined the lesson are indicated together with the time of joining...

1 Problems communicating with EduPage
... Edupage has mechanisms to mitigate the problem, it can retry the communication several times, but this slows down your work ... Turn off browser plugins Google chrome allows you to install plugins that change the way how your browser behaves...

1 How can the class teacher view the notices awarded to students in their class?
...class teacher does not teach his class, he / she can see the notes / praise through the advanced mode...

1 Long time absence
...time absence (let's say 2 weeks), you can set all lessons to be substituted with only one teacher...

1 How can I create new lesson in Substitutions
... Time - you can specify, if the new lesson will be on the exact period, or in a time range, or as a part of a day ... Class - in this step specify at first the class, or more classes (again, via "More" button in the bottom of the list of all classes)...

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
...- input the Name of the event (to be displayed in the class register) ... To select multiple classes, click "Select class and subject manually" - select the teacher/several teachers - input the time span of the event (to record absent students in the class register) Note: The teacher can see the event in the class register...

1 How to set a correct time zone

(time zone)

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
...class teacher can easily create and manage a noncash collections for different purposes (e ... Teachers save time and they do not have to carry greater amount of money...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
... The "Periods" section displays lessons and events from the timetable together with the time information...

(employee attendance)

1 Notifications in the mobile application not working?
... Have you switched off the notifications in your EduPage mobile application? Tap the "E" icon in the upper left corner to open the left menu...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
... set a time limit for students to take the test, and limited the number of attempts to 1...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for an interest group
... The students can be selected later by the class teachers or by the leader of the interest group ... To display the interest group in the class register, input the scheduled time and date of the interest group...

1 User with limited access
... class register by default, they can see class register of other classes as well as attendance...

1 How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e.g. leave of absence
The easiest way to adjust data in the attendance is to click on the relevant field and type in the desired number. . If the admin adjusts data in several users e.g...

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
...time into EduPage ... For pupils, you can choose either just one class or the whole school at once...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... Students, who don't take part attend lessons with class 5 ... A via substitutions: "Absent - add absent" and select the absent class (add the absent class directly for the whole time span of the event: long-term absence) Now create lessons for the grouped classes 6...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
... The time range of the event can be input by selecting the particular lessons ... or by selecting the "Entire day" option: The event is displayed in the class register...

1 Teacher details
... B: In the second column you can set duty and time-off for teachers...

1 How to save time when assigning subjects to classes?
...timetables or from grades, then you just need to set the order in which the subjects will be printed ... In this dialog window, subjects can be copied either from the specified class in the last school year or from the current school year, from one class to another...

(report, reports, certificate, certificates, subjects, order)

1 How to input events/lessons with class teacher en masse
... If several classes attend a school event together with their class teachers, the "Class teacher" tick-box can make your event inputting easier: Select several classes en masse by clicking the "more" function: and tag the specific classes: The event will be displayed in the...

1 Out of service days - when the canteen does not cook.
... - At the bottom of the page press the button '+ add time rage' and now you can enter the period 'from - to' when the canteen is closed ... there are times when only certain boarders have time off – for example ... but meals are still prepared for teachers or preschool children; some classes are in quarantine, etc...

(Out of service days)

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... Distance learning continues and absences of teachers or classes would disable entering the teaching topics into the class register ... For the attendance of staff record, enter the absent teacher in a following way: How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 Change of class teacher in the middle of school year
...class teacher in EduPage can be recorded by the administrator in the "Basic school data" section...

1 Online lessons via Webex Teams
...class register ... When launching the online lesson via Webex for the first time in the Classregister, please log in to your webex account...

1 Notifications
... Now you can select which notification you want to receive: Of course if you turn off many notification types, you might miss some important news from the school...


1 How to specify that Class/Group is missing the whole day
...Class is missing exactly the same way as you specify absent teachers: When class is missing you have an option to specify which group of the class is missing in the second combobox...

1 When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
... This gives you time to finish the changes so that you can be sure that unfinished data are not shown to public...

1 Administrator: How to set up rights in the grade book?
... When a teacher has created an official course, he can enter grades ... In strict rights mode, the administrator can set the rights for class teachers to view/edit grades at the same time...

1 How to ban inputting curriculum in the class register beforehand
...class register beforehand...

1 Teachers attendance
... This preparation time will be counted to the result time of teacher attendance...

1 How to grant right for attendance to the teacher?
...Any teacher can enter attendance of students in Class register, class teacher can excuse or not excuse absence: Teacher - Attendance There is no need to assign any right to attendance to the teacher, he or she has it automatically in his class...

1 How to print the class register for interest groups/afterschool clubs
...class registers of the interest groups can be printed via "Class register - administration"...

1 Creating online lessons in Google Meet
...class register ... At the time of the lesson run the online lesson by clicking the camera icon next to the lesson and press the "connect" button...

1 How to record student's switching class
... select "Advanced - Changes since date" and input the former class name and the date of beginning of their study in the current class...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
...timetable ... Blue - means the class is missing and the teacher is free, although he was supposed to teach something...

1 Some students are classroom educated, some are distance educated. How to record the situation in the class register
...class is educated at school in the classroom...

1 Setting rules for automatic generating of educational measures based on compliments and notices
... At the same time ... For example: 5 late arrivals deserve rebuke from the class teacher ... In official admonitions each generated report is allotted a number...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... you can use option “Book a classroom”: The dialog appears where you can see your timetable...

1 How to assign existing HW to another class
... set to HW that you want to assign to another class...

1 Chat with whole class
... Students can participate in class or family chat...

1 How to assign material only to some students
... Suppose we want to assign the Presentation "Solar system" only to some students from class 6...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... The teachers can create their courses even before the timetable has been published ... In divided courses (where only a group of stundets from a class...

1 Class register reports archivation on the web
...class register (ECR) reports ... You can download archived ECR anytime as one ZIP file...

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers
... --> Payers see their fees and payments set by teachers = this ticking box is always ticked as it allows to display fees an payments for teacher´s collections to students and parents so the teacher´s collections are always visible and can not be switched off...

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 How to create a course for an interest group
... The system offers you a list of students, select the students attending the course ... The system autoamtically lists the class the student belongs to ... If you already know the scheduled time of your interest group, input it here...

1 Comparing results by class in standards

1 Class teacher - Mass evaluation of students' behavior in final report/certificate
...class (e...

1 How can a class teacher input a student absence note in the mobile application?
...class teacher can input a new absence note via the red + sign...

1 Homework overview
... You will find the filter as follows: Notifications - Homework/Exams - Settings (cogwheel icon) - Missing homework Each teacher can only view the subjects he teaches: Class teacher can view all subjects of his class...

(homework, rework, not done, missing homework)

1 Replace the lesson
... which class has that exat day or in the other day in week...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
...class register, you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Check the timetable for errors For the class register to work properly, correct timetable is crucial...

1 How to assign homework in class register
... the system knows the date when this class and group has next lesson: If you want to change the date so that the homework is not for the next lesson, click on the more button(three dots) and select other date...

1 Administrator - How to copy divisions and groups
... For example: We want the division of students in class 2 to be the same as in class 11...

1 How to use teaching plan in class register?
... In the Class register "Choose from a plan" for the lesson...

1 How to cancel HW assigned through class register
...class register and you want to cancel it later, it is not enough to clear it from the box...

1 Teacher with administrator rights of any class course
The administrator awards "Courses:administration" rights to the teacher. A tile for administration of all courses appears in the left menu in the teacher's account.: The teacher with "Courses:administration" rights can manage the module exactly as the administrator...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
...class register, please follow the instructions: 1 ... Create the school's timetable in the aScTimetable program...

1 How to input a new class/subject entry
... Assign the classes their class teachers...

1 Teacher - How to add student’s activity in class?
... select Activity in Class from the dropdown menu...

1 Student's attendance - Registy of beeps in class register
...class register, it is possible to register students' attendance with one click...

1 How the class teacher registers students to interest groups
... The class or students do not need to be selected...

1 Creating presentations in Edupage - advantages
...offers a tool to quickly and easily create a presentation ... Do not waste time by choosing font, animation, or image size...

1 How do I print a class report and other reports?
... From the Print Reports menu, choose Class Report...

1 How to learn the number of students in each class
...Classes in the left menu of Agenda Online...

1 How do online lessons display in the Class register reports?
...Class register are indicated in several print reports...

1 Teacher - What is the module Activity in class used for?
...offers teachers the option to quickly and conveniently record how a child reacted in a specific class...

1 Alerting parents whose children have unsolved absences
...class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes, the EduPage system automatically notifies parents about unsolved absences of their children...

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
... However, since you have already made an entry, the lesson will remain in the class register ... The period with your entries is marked with a red timetable icon...

1 Administrator - A tool to check recording of curriculum taught in the class register
...class register: To check the class register for lacking records of curriculum taught, use the tool in Reports, available to both the teachers and the administrator...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
... last year's plan or a plan from a parallel class, regardless of the settings above, he will always copy the plan with the preparations ... The teacher can choose these settings when creating a course in the advanced settings or at any time...

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
...class ... It’s possible that your child was actively participating and helping classmates, but the teacher didn’t notice or didn’t have time to record it...

1 Where can the teacher see the students results during an interactive lesson?
... If some of the students did not manage to submit their answer in the set time limit, the system evaluates the answer as incorrect...

1 How to register external students to interest group
... No class information is input...

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
... To display the history of the payment plan just click on the red watch icon: History of the payment plan offers: ... time and author means that changes have been made for whole payment plan (possibly the payment plan was saved also without changes) (a...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Fill in the date, time and teacher ... If the teachers do need also some room for the meeting, press button List classrooms...

1 How to block a user/messages from a specific user in case of account abuse?
... If you want to disable the user from logging in for a certain time (until the case is resolved), toggle the switch in the first option and select the time period until the user will not be able to log in to EduPage...

1 How to add existing test to another class
Select the test, you want to reuse. Click on "Edit assignation" icon. Selet "Create new assignation". Choose the course, you want to assign the test, and fill in other information. Press Done...

1 How to send photos to my class?
... To select multiple classes, select "Select multiple"...

1 How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
... First, delete the finishing classes with no further lessons, from the timetable...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
... last year's plan or a plan from a parallel class, regardless of the settings above, he will always copy the plan with the preparations ... The teacher can choose these settings when creating a course in the advanced settings or at any time...

1 Overview - absence notes
... which class teachers accept electronic absence notes...

1 Automatic alerting teachers who omitted to fill out the curriculum in the class register
...class register...

1 How to set up a Grade book
... The parents' accounts can be created by class teacher or by the administrator ... What is a course? How to create it? a) If you already have a finished and published timetable: A published timetable will make it easier for your teachers to create lessons...

1 How to give rights on Class Register, Substitution or other module administration to a teacher?
Login as administrator and open the "school data". Choose the teacher and open the dialog window with the double click. Check boxes to give rights on individual modules for the teacher...

1 Overview - plans
... At the same time it displays the percentage of plan already taught...

1 Printing fees and payments
...) - 'Time period' - select either the whole school year, one term or your own time period in the span of one school year - 'Users' - teachers ... individual students or whole classes - 'Payment plans' - select one...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Preparing teaching plans for the coming school year
...A class generally becomes class 7 ... Attention: Courses attended by a whole class will be linked to the courses in timetables after switching to the following school year...

1 Overview of online lessons for the EduPage administrator
...Class register ... Click on the Timetable icon to display the class` timetable...

1 Teaching plans - overview
... Why is it beneficial to have Plans in EduPage? When writing the curriculum in the Class register, you don't have to think, formulate and list the curriculum topics manually ... You will have them at your disposal at any time and they will be linked exactly to the topic they relate to...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
...class register the same way as the teaching topic in a common course ... If the interest group/school club does not display in the class register, it is important to add this course into your personal timetable via the course settings or via the personal timetable...

1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
... excursion or exam to another class and study by the students' timetable...

1 Administrator - plans
... Green colour of the field indicates an official course has been created for that class and subject...

1 Administrator - How to enter the login names for parents
...offers the option of separate individual accounts for father, mother and student ... All you have to do is assign a class to future freshmen ... EduPage will send a time-limited link to the parent's e-mail...

1 Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year
... you can distribute the students to the interest groups manually: teacher of the interest group: class teacher: As with all the other subjects ... To display the interest group in the teacher's and students' class register, input the interest group into the personal timetable of the teacher (either in the process of creating the course...

1 How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")
... In the next step we will select the schedule of which class we want to keep, in our case 9...

1 Teacher - Calendar
... Teachers can input when exams will be, when the class goes to field trip, theatre etc...

1 The advantages of EduPage Preparations
... In the class register, you choose a topic from the list and you will immediately see all your preparations for the selected topic ... You can assign bonus tasks to students who are ahead without wasting time searching for and correcting the tasks every time...

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
... Payment plan settings - time period, maturity date, total to be paid Go back to the dialog for setting the payment plan for the after school club ... Click on the name of the class to select only several students from the class...

1 Add your page to Google search
If you have your page ready, please log into it and go control panel and click link "Promote your web page": You will find several links where you can register your site so that Google can find it...

1 How to create different overviews and export them to excel
... a single one or several payment plans together b) time period - you can set your own time period ... name of the student, class, credit from 0,01 ...

1 How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
...classroom) just press and hold the record for one second...

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... Absent days The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period...

1 How to add a teacher the right to view grades in multiple classes?
... The administrator can set class teachers the right to view grades from all subjects of their class...

1 Defining types of substitutions
... Later, each time a teacher does substitution, you can select specific type for this particular substitution...

1 How to start with e-learning?
... <span style='font-size: 11pt;'>A course is a combination of a subject and a class, or a group...

1 Student - Where do I find my QR code for the school library?
... Show it to the librarian in the school library every time you borrow or return a book...

1 Online lessons via Google Meet - how to prevent unauthorized access to the lesson
... The meeting can have two different modes of securing access: a) select the "fast access" mode b) or switch the fast access off When fast access is active, only people with the same domain as the meeting host domain can join the meeting automatically...

1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
... The order of the topics, and chapters can be changed at any time ... The imported plan can be used in the Class register when selecting the curriculum...

1 Serving of the meal - when the school cooks
... In the 'Opening hours' section you can set days and meals for periods when the canteen is in operation, time range for each day meal and the number of different meals (menu)...

1 How to input chemical compounds
LaTeX is an instrument for writing mathematical expressions. The "mchem" part of this instrument is for writing chemical formulas. Chemical formulas to be displayed in a line of text, have to be enclosed in dollar signs and curly brackets \ce, tj. $ \ce{.....

1 Summary of orders (both quantities and a list of names) and sharing for an external food supplier.
... This functionality can also be useful for teachers/caretakers of after-school care, who need to know for their class who has canceled/ordered meals and what the menu options are ... The supplier can check the number of orders for the entered day at any time:...

(external food supplier , summary)

1 How to organize teaching preparations in EduPage
... Fast and easy access to materials right after entering the curriculum in the Class register...

1 Grade book - overview
... Options for special types of evaluation in specific situations: Additional information can be attached to awarded grades – class average, date of grade or a comment...

1 Checking of attendance input
... A small icon will appear in a class register that indicates whether teacher has inputted attendance for the lesson...

1 Moving data to a new school year
... Click "Transfer" to move the class to the next school year and confirm by clicking the 'OK' button...

1 Administrator - Divisions Overview
... In this case, the class is divided to group 1 and group 2 for English ... No division has been defined in the timetable for German ... Note: In the Division Overview there are visible only created and official class divisions...

1 How to set the date for calculating the attendance of students in a term
... Select Class register in left menu, then Setting / Dates...

1 Defining reasons for absence
...time a teacher is absent you can specify the particular “Reason for absence...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
... Add a new employee into the timetable and move the former/absent teacher's contract to them ... Changes in class teachers: adjust the classes in the class teacher card, in Agenda online, to reflect the current situation...

1 Administrator: How to restrict editing grades for a term
... This may be due to classification or for some other reason ... To restrict editing of grades since certain date, input time to the first restriction setting...

1 Overview of students' attendance for a specific day
...You can find an overview of students for the entire class in a given week as follows:...


1 How to input an absence note
...class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes, you can input an absence note by clicking the red + sign ... Type in the reason of absence and the respective time period of your child's absence from the lessons...

1 How to add another user in the mobile app.
... you can add another user at any time:...

1 Mobile application EduPage
If you have a smartphone, you can download EduPage mobile app: for Android at GooglePlay for iOS on iTunes Whether you are a teacher, parent or student, the majority of Edupage's rich functionality is also accessible through mobile application...

1 Parents with more than one child
... Parents accounts are created by the class teachers...


1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
...class register, it is important to add them into your personal timetable...

1 What can class teachers do in class register?
... As a class teacher you can add/modify the lessons of your class and also input the attendance...

1 How can a class teacher access an overview of grades from all subjects in their class?
...class teachers a right to access information about grades from all subjects in their class...

1 Attendance of students
...Class register ... Click the students icon and press OK to confirm: If your school uses the aScAttendance system linked with the Class register, the arrival time is displayed directly in the Class register...

1 Class register of the teacher / class register of the class
... the teacher can see their class register ... It shows lessons from the timetable or substitution that the teacher is going to teach on that day...

1 How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
...time period and for the same reason, the absences can be excused en masse ... The class teacher has rights to enter Mass absence notes for the students of his class...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
...time the class teacher spends on students' attendance...

1 How to restrict time, test duration or number of attempts?
... you can restrict the time, test duration and the number of attempts...

1 How to show only absence notes in Notifications tab
... To turn off the filter, click the icon again...

1 Students and parents - How to register for an action
... Press Confirm in the set time limit...

1 Consultation hours
... The teacher or the administrator create time intervals for consultations with parents...

1 How to assign an online test to students
... Select the class or specify students to whom you want to assign the test ... You may limit the duration of test and the time period for workingon the test: - You may specify date and time of the exam...

1 Class Teacher Principle - Attendance control
...class teacher principle is used in many primary schools ... the control function or reminder function is switched off ... As a teacher, you can find your class register in the app under Timetable...

1 How to register visitation at the lesson
...class" button:...

1 The difference between a test assigned 'For practice' and 'For online exam'
... The teacher can allot duration and time for the test...

1 Class teacher - overview
...Class register and attendance...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
... You can copy student group of another course in this class from the current or previous school years...

1 Absence notes overview
...class teacher has two options for managing students' absence notes...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
... your timetable for the relevant day displays ... If your school decided to use the electronic class register, we recommend the teachers create teaching plans for each course they teach...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... If your school uses aScTimetables, your timetable for the specific day will display...

1 Teacher - class register - school without aScTimetables
If your school doesn't use the aScTimetables, you can add your own lesson by clicking "Add lesson" This way you can add all the lessons you teach on that day. If you already have these lessons added in previous days, you don't have to add them every week...

1 How to learn/print the login data to EduPage student account
...class teacher can print out EduPage login data to students of their class...

1 Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
... the class teacher can enable (or disable) electronic absence notes from parents...

1 How to print notices students from my class?
...class as follows: Select grades in the top menu, then Print / Export and select Notices of students from the list of reports...

1 Student experienced power cut/computer breakdown during online test
... long lasting power cut, the student will not be able to finish the test in the set time limit...

1 Can I manually adjust the curriculum in class register?
... The new text will be recorded in the class register but your plan will not change...

1 Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
...class register, the course has to be linked with the name of the course in the timetable...

1 I cannot see my divided lesson in the class register
...class register, you must link this lesson with the name of this lesson in timetables...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
...Class register indicates a problem with the course ... however it is a divided lesson and it is important to link the course with the name of the group in the timetable...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
... To display divided classes correctly in the Class register, link the created course with the title of the course in the Timetable...

1 Class teacher - How to print out an overview of parents' e-mail addresses
Uncertain if the students' parents have their own access to EduPage? No students' parents e-mail addresses availabl? Can't remember if all parents e-mail addresses are input in EduPage? Want to check if the parents' e-mail addresses are correct?...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
...class divided into two groups, foreign languages for example, we advise each teacher to create a separate course with a separate plan ... The first teacher selects students for his group and links this group with the group's title in the Timetable...

1 Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson, can select a topic from their plan for the cover teacher via "Instructions to substituting teacher" in the class register: The cover teacher can record the curriculum in the class register by selecting a topic from the plan...

1 Lesson with the teacher's assistant
... Both the teacher and the assistant can see the same course, have the same plan, and they can both input data in the class register...

1 Why do I see students' incomplete/partial answers while they are working on assignment?
... When the student finishes the test by clicking on the 'Submit' button or the alloted time expires, the teacher can see the students' answers stated as 'Submitted' or 'Evaluated' in case of evaluation of material set up and all the correct answers predefined...

1 Teacher - How to create a course for a school club
... To display the course in the classregister, add the scheduled time to your personal timetable...

1 A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests
... If you set a time limit to the test ... If you set a time limit to the test, the Einstein of the class will not be able to find solutions to the multiple question variations of every friend who generally rely on him...

1 Case 2 - Registration for a skiing trip
... Input the title of the action, the from/to time open for registration and a note ... In this case it is class 5...

1 Teacher - how to start an online lesson via EduPage?
...Class register: click on the arrow sign next to the title of the lesson to display the pop-up menu...

1 Creating consultation hours for students
... The day of the consultation, time when you are available, time period for a student and the location of the consultation...

1 Alerts of omitted records of the taught curriculum in the class register
...class register provides the teacher with up to date information about omitted curriculum records...

1 I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
...class and they display this way in the timetable, we advise you to create separate course for each students' group...

1 Creating teaching plan by manually entering the curriculum
... they can create one gradually by manually entering the lesson curriculum in the class register ... The teacher can adjust the plan at all times...

1 Registration for a field trip
... Input the title of the action and the registration time ... How to log into EduPage as a parent? Select participants - whole classes or individual students...

1 How to check if the right students have been selected the in course settings
... a) If all students from the class attend this course, it is right to click the first option "Select all students from selected classes"...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
...A, the course is a combination of the subject (Mathematics) and the class you teach this subject (5 ... If a timetable has already been published...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
... they can change it at any time...

1 How to print a test with student's answers?
... You can find the results in EduPage at any time...

1 How to create new test ?
... You do not have to add questions to the test individually, you can select more question cards and add them one at a time ... standards or study topics violet: announce the date of exam to students blue: assign the test to another class...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
... the class teacher can see a message that an excuse note has come from the parent...

1 Break between consultations
... Before informing the parents about the possibility to book a consultation, you can make time for technical break in the list of consultations...

1 Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
... then EduPage has detected possible issues with students selecting in this divided class course ... Also make sure that the name of the group is the right one in timetable...

1 How to assign a consultation to student/parent
... (If you have no consultations created yet, please read these instructions: ) In the „Consultation details“ window: book a consultation in a free time period...


1 Students and parents - How to register for an action
... Press Confirm in the set time limit...

Class teacher - Teacher

1 Teacher - parents' accounts
To enable the students' parents to use EduPage it is important to input parents' e-mail addresses into the system. The addresses can be input by administrator or directly by the teacher. Step 1: Fill in the parents' e-mail addresses via "settings - parents"...

1 How do I know if the parents' accounts are valid?
...class teacher and the administrator can check if the parents have valid EduPage parent accounts...

1 Creating Awards and Certificates for students in EduPage
Choose 'Education‘ from the left menu and click on the 'Awards, Certificates‘: By using the category, orientation (landscape /portrait) and background filter choose the template that suits your needs. Select a student. In case of generating the same certificate (e.g...

1 A student's parent have changed their e-mail address. How to change the login name to parent's account
... the class teacher can just rewrite the previous one with the new one in the "Settings/Parents" tab...

Class register - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to alert teachers about omitted students' attendance recording
... The signs meaning is as folows: The teachers can be notified about omitted information in the Class register...

1 Attendance record history - list of persons, who have edited the students' attendance record
The administrator can view any student's attendance record history if necessary. Select "Attendance (students)" in the "Education" section. Right click on the attendance record and select "Record's history"...

1 How to create a new type of student absence?
...offers preset basic types of absencess: excused, unexcused and representation ... Unexcused late arrival), its abbreviation, color and type of excuse: The new type of absence can be used by every class teacher in managing the attendance of their students:...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
Schools register students' attendance up to the end of school year...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
...(Education - Timetable - Administration - Verify - General) This example shows problems with groups in classes 7...

1 The last lesson in the classroom
... To not to forget there is a highlighted reminder option displayed in the class register to the teacher of the last lesson for each classroom...

Class register in mobile app. - Class register - teacher's view

1 Overview of the use of EduPage preparations
... If the student doesn't understand the topic, EduPage offers him materials published by the teacher for study...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
...class register in EduPage can make your work easier even if you follow the text book in your lessons...

1 Fastest way to record students' attendance
...Timetable in the mobile app...

1 Fastest way to input lesson topic
...Timetable in the EduPage mobile app...

1 How to input that we continue the same topic as in the previous lesson
If you continue the same topic as in the previous lesson, select Copy curriculum from previous lesson: That way you select the same topic from your plan as you did in the previous lesson...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
... View your weekly timetable (second view)...

1 How do I amend my preparations with notes only visible to me?
... Select the lesson in the Class register...

1 How do I access my preparations during the lesson
...Timetable in the mobile application...

1 How to assign cards to students for homework
During the lesson open your preparations and mark one or several cards. Assign them to students for home practice...

1 How to create a teaching plan in the mobile app.
If you don't have a plan created for your course, simply start creating it in the mobile app. Slide the lesson card to the right and the teaching plan displays. If you still don't have one, you can now create one or more topics that you are going to teach in the near future...

1 How to inform absent students about the content of the lesson they missed
You can amend the topic being taught with notes. After the lesson they can be marked as taught, just slide them to the right. The note will have a green tick icon. If the note was not visible to students yet, the system will prompt you to make it visible to students...

1 How do I keep track of the things already taught and the ones not taught?
In the lesson materials if you slide a card with your notes right, it will be marked as taught. This way you can keep track of the things that have already been taught. This approach has advantages in situations when you teach the same topics in paralel courses...

1 How to group several cards into a presentation
You can group your prepared cards in a topic into a presentation. All your cards are together and in the desired order. Click on the cards that are in your plan...

1 How do I add files, images, photos, videos to my preparations in the mobile app?
You can easily add photos, images or files to your preparations. Go to the topic in the plan and click the red +. Searching images is easy with the integrated search engine...

1 How to create more advanced interactive cards with questions
Add a new card into your preparations and select the question type: See also: ...

1 What are the topics in "No chapter name" section?
The curriculum that you entered manually, that means you didn't select it from the plan, is inclued in a separate chapter. This chapter is called No chapter name and is included at the end of your plan so far: This means all topics taught can be found in your plan...

1 What are the topics in "No chapter name" section?
The curriculum that has been selected for the upcoming lessons, is displayed in your preparations...

Class register - teacher's view - Class register

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
If you need to select several topics from the plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text". Then click on the topics you want to select and press OK...

1 How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
... Click on the topic in the class register, click "Select multiple / extra text", type the text and press OK...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
There are two options: - select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it - if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan, but want to write the topic manually instead, follow these steps:   Click a topic from the plan you want to cancel...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
When selecting a topic from your plan, there is a number displayed in the upper part of the dialog. It informs the teacher if he is forward or behind compared to the plan. Positive number means, you are ahead of the plan. Negative number means you are behind in the plan...

1 Overview of curriculum taught
Teacher can see the history of the curriculum taught in the history of the lesson: ...

1 Note to the lesson
Teacher can make personal notes for the lesson: "My Note" can be seen only by the teacher. If necessary, the teacher can view or print a report with the notes...

1 Changing the classroom
... Teacher assigns the classroom swap in the class register by clicking on "Change the classroom"...

1 The last lesson in the classroom / Teacher
... To not to forget there is a highlighted reminder option displayed in the class register to the teacher of the last lesson for each classroom...