How to create a modification to a question (copy of a question in the same group)

English Slovenčina Deutsch Russian Čeština Lithuania

Tick the original question to create a similar one (modification). Click on the "copy" icon in the top menu.

Select the "Create a copy in the same group" option.

Modify the question, e.g. in this case the numbers in the arithmetic problem will be changed. Press the "Done" button.

A modified question has been created in the Preparations and both the questions have been grouped together.

Click on the group icon to display the questions that are in the group.

Repeat the process to create multiple varieties of one question.

If you already have questions created earlier you can still group them together:u1356

A test can be prepared from the groups of questions: A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests

Further instructions:
Group of questions
Preparations and e-learning